Chapter Twenty-Five - Serenity

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"Immortality?" questioned Rose. She was in shock with what she had just heard come from Tom's perfect lips.

     Tom nodded his head slowly as he studied her reaction.  

     "Umm..." she tried to gather her thoughts into a coherent sentence. "Tom, I've never thought about it before. You mean like... creating my own Horcrux?"

     "You could do it," he said. "You're strong enough. I know you are. There are others who do not possess the strength, but Rose, I feel the power coursing through your veins. You could do it, I know you could."

     Rose had seen what was to happen to Tom if he continued down the path he was headed. She was mortified that he even suggested her joining him. It was not a matter of her strength, but of her own human nature. She had read how to make a Horcrux in that wretched book and she had no desire or impulse to commit a crime against nature. 

     "I cannot," she said simply. "I could not. There is no way I could ever."

     "You could," said Tom, excitement glimmering behind his eyes. "You have the power and the strength, Rose. I know you could."

     "No, Tom, that's not what I mean," she retorted. He stared blankly at her. "I mean I cannot commit heinous crimes for my own personal gain. I will not pay the consequences for immortality. I do not desire it and I do not want it."

     Tom stared at her in confusion. His obsession with immortality was overwhelming. She could not understand why he wanted it so much. He was already immortal. Why did he want to continue down the path of treachery and not only that, but to pull Rose into his dark and twisted dreams as well.

     "I'm not like you, Tom. I do not fear death as you do."

     "I do not fear death," he denied. "I simply just do not wish to die."

     "That's not true," said Rose. "Everyone fears something. I heard from Avery a few years ago that your Boggart is your own corpse."

     Tom recoiled and his face tensed as she used his one true fear against him. He would be sure to punish Avery later.

     "That's nothing to be ashamed of," said Rose, "as I said, everyone is afraid of something."

     She reached towards him and grabbed his hands. They were cold as ice in her palms. She was surprised that he did not pull away.

     "Tell me what you are thinking," she said.

     "You told me once that you would not kill for me," said Tom. "I did not understand the context at first. But now I'm realizing that you meant it quite literally. You would never commit murder."

     "Of course I wouldn't, Tom," she whispered. "How could you ever think I would be capable of something such as that?"

     "Because you are powerful!" he mused as he slipped his hands out of hers. "You have the power to change the world! Together, we can rid the world of Mudbloods and Muggles. We have the power to silence anyone who doesn't believe in us or who stands in our way. Don't you see, Rose? We were put here to change the world. Witches and Wizards are superior and deserve to rule over the Muggles!"

     "But, Tom," said Rose holding back tears, "Muggles are human beings..."

     "Muggles are not worthy! Are you even aware of the war that is going on right now? A war that Muggles started because of their own issues. They are killing themselves off as it is!"

     "It's not right," said Rose, "nothing gives a witch or wizard the right to kill somebody because they are different. No two people are the same. There will be always differences of opinions, but we must learn to respect them! We must learn to respect others!"

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