Chapter One - The Slytherin Prefect

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Rose and Mary sat in a compartment to themselves on the Hogwarts Express on the way to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to start their fifth year. The year of their O.W.L's. The year where they were expected to pick a career after leaving Hogwarts. Neither of them weren't too excited about the thought of leaving their favorite place in the whole world.

"Do you think Dennis is going to ask me out this year or not?" asked Mary absentmindedly as she peeled the wrapper off of her Fizzing Whizzbee. "We wrote each other all summer but yet when I saw him on the platform he acted like I didn't exist."

"I dunno," murmured Rose, staring out the window only half listening to her best friend. Her other best friend, Isabel Carrow, was a Prefect this year so she couldn't sit with them on the train.

"Do you think I'm wasting my time?" she asked, gazing out the window.

"A little," giggled Rose.

"Oh shut up," said Mary as she threw the wrapper at Rose. "At least I have somewhat of an interesting love life. Meanwhile you're over there acting like you've never been interested in a boy before."

"I haven't," denied Rose. "Seriously, what's the point of dating someone when you're so young anyway? Odds are it won't last, so we might as well wait until we're adults."

"Right," said Mary, "but don't you want to know what it's like?"

"What's what like?"

"Snogging a boy."

"I mean – not really," said Rose. "Not these boys at least... there's not a decent boy in this whole school I would feel the need to snog."

"You've got to be kidding me," said Mary. "There's got to be someone... I bet that Tom Riddle is a good kisser."

Rose's cheeks flushed bright red.

"Oh stop it," said Rose.

"What? You know I'm not kidding. He's Slytherin Prefect, he's every teacher's favorite student, he's smart, and he's handsome, he got that half-giant Hagrid expelled last year for opening the Chamber of Secrets and killing that girl, he's a hero..."

"He's clearly unavailable," said Rose. "He's never been exclusive with anyone."

"Sounds like a fun challenge. I heard that Norah Lestrange and him hooked up over the summer," said Mary. "At least that's what Cadmus told me. But he's also a known liar so..."

"That's all rumors," said Rose.

"Why you defending him?" teased Mary. "Do you fancy him?"

"No!" snapped Rose. "That's stupid, I've never even spoken to him."

"You don't have to speak to him to fancy him," she smirked. Her Fizzing Whizzbee was causing her to levitate off her seat, which caused even more annoyance for Rose.

"Shut up," said Rose with a smile plastered on her face.

"I'll shut up if you quit blushing," laughed Mary. Rose took her Hogwarts robes and chucked them at Mary.

"Get dressed, we're almost to the school," said Rose.

There was a knock at the compartment door and Rose and Mary looked up and saw Mary's brother Cadmus accompanied by his two friends Emlyn Avery and Tiernan Lestrange.

"What do you clowns want?" snapped Mary.

"Shut your mouth," said Cadmus. "Avery here has a question for your friend."

"The answer is no," said Mary as she stood in front of Rose. "She's not going out with you, troll."

"Why don't you let the lady speak for herself?" snapped Avery.

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