Chapter Thirty-One - The Rendezvous

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The dream, vision, whatever it actually was, hung heavy on Rose's mind for days to come. When she closed her eyes, she pictured her son, or would-be son, in her desired future. His features were sharp like his father's, but his hair was not as dark. It was a lighter chestnut color, but his eyes were what was unforgettable. They were Rose's eyes. The more she tried to remember every detail of his face, the more it started to grow faded and blurry. Was that the life she was destined to live if she could change Tom Riddle? Or was it just an inkling of what she truly wanted, given to her as a gift in the form of a dream? She did not know.

     Tom Riddle as a grown man was not as easy to forget. The way he portrayed himself in her dream was much different than he portrayed himself now. His body was more relaxed, he had laugh lines stretched across his face from years of happiness, and there were a few grey hairs peppered into his dark locks. He had looked so devilishly handsome, she knew it wasn't just a product of her imagination. It had been a true vision.

     The final evening of Tom's seventh year approached more rapidly than Rose had anticipated. She was filled with anxiety, wondering what the future held for the both of them. She wanted to spend every last second with Tom. After all, she never knew when she was going to see him again.

     She walked into the Room of Requirement, skipping dinner as she knew he would be in there. He nodded to her as she entered the room, and she was suddenly feeling very nervous.

     "I figured you'd be in here," she said, not knowing how else to begin the conversation.

     "I figured you'd find me," he responded nonchalantly. She walked slowly and silently over to him. He was standing near the fire in his normal spot. Rose thought about how empty this room would feel once Tom was gone.

     She sat down on the vacant couch, staring into the fire avoiding Tom's sharp gaze. She wanted to talk to him about her vision – or dream – whatever it was. She knew she would never forgive herself if she let Tom depart from the school without telling him what she saw... without telling him the possibilities of the future.

     "You're missing the end of term feast," she said quietly, unsure of how to start the conversation.   

     "As are you," he simply responded.

     "There will be more feasts for me," she mused. "I thought you might want to partake in your very last one."

     "I've never been fond of the traditional Hogwarts send off feast," he replied, tucking his hands into his pockets.

     "Why not?" asked Rose.

     "It serves as an unfortunate reminder that we will not be returning in the coming year."

     Rose was slightly taken aback at how nostalgic Tom seemed about the end-of-term-feast.

     "I wouldn't have guessed you'd be so melancholy," she responded quietly.

     He smirked at her, but did not respond. 

     "I'm pleased that you found me, Rose," he said, changing the subject completely. "There is something I wanted to show you before I leave, since I am unsure of when I'll see you again."

     Her heart fluttered in her chest.

     "You did?" she asked with piqued interest.

     "Yes," he said as he slowly walked towards her. "But, you must reassure me that I can trust you completely."

     "I'm not sure how else I can prove that to you, Tom," she said. "I've already given you all of me."

     He smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

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