Part 2

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To everyone who has supported this story thus far, THANK YOU! I am actively working on Part 2, and as I've said before, I don't know if I will be having 2 or 3 parts. I'm leaning towards 3 just because there's so much more I want to say. BUT, this story will be finished soon, as it is being held close to my heart and makes me happy :) I have at least seventeen chapters for part 2 so far.

So again, thank you for reading. I appreciate every single one of you.

This weekend I promise I will post the first 3 chapters of part 2. So keep commenting and voting!! I love reading your comments tbh. Oh, and tell your friends :) I'm also on TikTok @HalfBloodPrincess93. So tune in there for updates as well! <3

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