Chapter Six - Alchemy Lesson

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The first couple weeks of school had passed in the blink of an eye. Sixth year students were hoping for a mental break after their O.W.L. exams last spring, but that was not the case. The teachers kept reminding them incessantly that their N.E.W.T. exams were right around the corner, even though they were more than a year and half away. Rose did not want to think about her examinations. In fact, she didn't want to think about anything. Her thoughts were so jumbled and clouded, she felt as if she needed to make more room inside of her brain.

Professor Slughorn approached Rose and her friends one Thursday morning at breakfast. He beamed at her as he placed a timetable in front of her.

"Miss Davies!" he exclaimed. Rose stared at the piece of paper in front of her as she chewed a piece of bacon. "I've just finalized your new schedule."

"New schedule, Professor?" she asked as she picked up the paper and examined it.

"Yes, it's been in the works, but I've just finalized the details with Professor Dumbledore. Turns out eleven other students were also interested in taking Alchemy this year! Today is the first lesson, class will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays first thing!"

"Brilliant," beamed Rose. Isabel and Mary appeared uninterested, for Rose knew neither of them had an inclination to study the subject.

"Now if you'll excuse me," said Slughorn, "I need to go track down Mr. Riddle."

Rose's eyes widened. She remembered how Slughorn mentioned Tom would be a candidate for the class, but she didn't think that Tom would have been interested. She looked down the table and didn't see Tom sitting with his gang. He appeared to be absent from the Great Hall.

She hadn't spoken to Tom since the first night back. She had been carefully avoiding him at any chance she got, however, she could sense whenever he was watching her. She carefully averted her gaze whenever Tom was in the vicinity. And now, they would be sharing a class together twice a week.

"That's exciting," teased Isabel. "Sharing a class with Mr. Riddle."

"I wouldn't exactly say that," said Rose monotone.

"What's been up with you and Riddle lately?" asked Mary, taking a bite of her cereal. "You don't seem to be spending as much time together."

"I've told you before," said Rose irritably. "Our relationship is far from traditional. I don't wish to discuss it further."

Rose was aware in her gradual change in personality. Being friends with Tom Riddle did that to you apparently. She was cold towards her friends, she made no attempts to talk to her brother, nor had she made an effort to write back to her parents after they sent her multiple letters. She could feel herself changing, but the only thing that mattered to her was grasping an understanding for her visions and shielding her more dangerous thoughts from Tom Riddle.

As Rose entered the Alchemy classroom, she was not pleased to see Druella Rosier sitting with her friend Lucretia Black in the front of the classroom, chatting exuberantly. No doubt she was only taking this class for Tom, or to get under Rose's skin, but probably the former.

Rose took a seat near the front of the class, but not in the front row, a good distance away from Druella and her shrieking gossip. More students were piling into the classroom. They were mostly seventh years, but Euphemia Jones was amongst one of the three sixth years along with a sixth year Ravenclaw whom Rose didn't recognize.

Rose was pulling out her quills and notebooks when she sensed someone take a seat next to her. She didn't have to look up to know it was Tom Riddle. She glanced at Druella at the corner of her eye and was filled with a small sense of glee as she scowled in jealousy.

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