Chapter Three - Time Tables

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Rose was not fond of missing the start of the feast, however she was excited to pick her classes for this year and focus solely on her interests. Divination of course was top of the list.

The sixth-year Slytherins were lined up outside of Professor Slughorn's office. Most students already knew what classes they wanted to take based off of their examinations, so they did not spend more than ten minutes finalizing their schedules.

Finally it was Rose's turn. She entered Slughorn's office and found him sitting at his desk beaming up at her.

"Miss Davies!" he greeted enthusiastically. "My little Potions Master! Your exam results were superb! Congratulations, you deserve it."

"Thank you, sir," said Rose as she sat in the vacant chair across from Professor Slughorn's desk.

"Professor Dippet tells me you have quite a knack for Divination," said Slughorn peering down at what appeared to be Rose's file.

"Yes, sir," said Rose. "It's my favorite subject."

"Ah, very well, very well," he said as he scribbled down some notes with his large, purple feathered quill. "Now, what are your plans after Hogwarts, my dear girl?"

Rose had not given much thought to this question before, however, the conversation she had with Dumbledore at the beginning of last year was still fresh in her mind.

"Well, Professor Dumbledore mentioned possible student teaching with Professor Vablatsky," she responded. "I was hoping that was still a possibility, as I'd love to teach."

"Professor Dumbledore said that, did he?" asked Slughorn. Rose nodded. "Well, typically the Headmaster likes to hire teachers with some sort of worldly experience before they begin teaching at Hogwarts. However, Divination is such a unique branch of magic, I suppose the best experience you could get would be alongside Professor Vablatsky."

An exuberant smile spread across Rose's face.

"Very well," continued Slughorn, scribbling more notes. "With that being said we shall continue your Astronomy studies, since the stars are very closely linked with fortune telling."

"Sir, I was actually wondering if I could take Alchemy this year," interjected Rose. "I heard if there's sufficient interest then it is possible to replace it with another subject."

"Interested in Alchemy are you?" asked Slughorn. "I'm not sure if Professor Dumbledore was planning on teaching it this year, but nonetheless I will let him know you are interested. But we'll keep your other classes for now... is there anything in particular you'd like to drop?"

"Care of Magical Creatures is the only thing I'd like to drop," said Rose. "It's an interesting class, however it does not relate to my specific career path."

"Very well," said Slughorn, finalizing his notes. "I think that covers it. I shall talk to Professor Dumbledore, as well as speak with the other Heads of Houses for their opinions. I think offering Alchemy this year would be a splendid idea. Students such as yourself and Mr. Riddle who crave magical knowledge would do very well in that class, I think."

Rose's cheeks warmed at the sound of Riddle's name.

"Thank you Professor," said Rose as she stood up.

"Good to see you, Miss Davies... and welcome back!"


Rose entered the Great Hall alongside a couple other sixth year students from other houses. Professor Dippet had just finished his welcome speech as she took her seat next to Isabel, whom met with Professor Slughorn first, due to her status as Prefect.

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