Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Knights of Walpurgis

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Rose did not stand amongst Tom's followers which in total consisted of Emlyn Avery, Tiernan Lestrange, Cadmus Nott, Abraxas Malfoy, Cygnus Black, Sturgis Rosier, who was Druella's older brother and Rabastan Mulciber. She was a little surprised at the mix of fifth, sixth and seventh year boys. Even though Mulciber and Rosier were seventh years and Tom only a sixth year, Tom's authority outshone anyone standing in that room. Rose had never felt so small.

The Knights of Walpurgis stood in a semi-circle with their heads bowed. Tom was standing in the middle with his hands behind his back. He stood with such stature and poise it was as if he were the Minister for Magic. It was breathtaking. Heat rose to her cheeks as she remembered every intimate moment they had ever shared. She couldn't believe someone such as Tom would be even slightly interested in her. She tore her gaze away from Tom, and stayed tucked away into the corner where she figured would be the best place for her. She did not want to stand with Tom. She didn't want to appear as his equal, but she didn't feel she should lower herself to the same standards as his followers.

"Welcome, my friends," said Tom as he greeted his followers. No one moved. "I know throughout the years we've met under different circumstances, but tonight is a little different."

Tom paused and began pacing. He eyes each of his followers; none moved a muscle or even attempted to make eye contact. He looked at Rose last, but she was not afraid to look him in the eye.

"Tonight marks the first official meeting of the Knights of Walpurgis. As you all know, my time at Hogwarts is ending. As I begin my... quest... after this is all over, I need to know where your loyalties lie. If they truly lie with me, then you'll be willing to do... anything, I ask. No matter the risk. No matter the consequence."

Rose watched as Tom pulled out his wand. Her heartbeat quickened as she wondered what he was going to do.

"Now... who shall be the first volunteer?" Tom beamed, looking out at his followers. None of them moved a muscle.

Rose didn't know if Tom meant her, but for whatever reason, her feet instinctively moved forward. She felt this was where she could prove to Tom that she wasn't like everyone else. She wanted to prove that she would do anything for him.

Tom raised his eyebrows when he noticed Rose was walking towards him. A very pleased smile spread across his face.

"Miss Davies," he cooed. "I knew I could always count on you."

She stopped when she was face to face with him. Suddenly, everyone's eyes were on her. Her eyes flickered towards Tom's wand, which was held loosely in his hands. She had never noticed before how much the handle of it looks like a bone. She gulped and hoped that he didn't hear it.

"Hold out your right arm," he instructed.

Rose held out her hand as if Tom was going to give her something. He reached out slowly and rolled up her sleeves to her elbow, leaving sparks of electricity surging through her skin with every touch.

Tom grabbed her wrist with one hand and pointed his wand at it with the other. Her eyes widened in fear, but he merely stared back at her expressionless. The Knights of Walpurgis all watched with anticipation.

"Dolorsit Pietas."

As soon as Tom muttered the spell, Rose collapsed to her knees. It felt as if her every inch of her skin was being burned with white-hot branding irons. Her vision blurred and she could hear nothing but a piercing ringing noise in her ears. She screamed in agony. Finally, it felt as if her whole body were on fire. She was sure of it, there was nothing else that could explain this pain. She was going to die... this is what dying felt like... it had to be. There could be nothing in this world more painful than what she was experiencing in this moment. She began to black out...

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