Chapter Nineteen - The Threat

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"Decided to show up after all?"

Rose strode across the room and flung her body on the couch that was directly across from the only fireplace in the room currently. Tom Riddle was standing near the fire with a leather-bound book in his hand that she'd seen him carry before.

"My friends hate me," she said simply.

Tom didn't speak as he stared at her.

"They think there's something going on between you and I," she continued. "And they don't want to speak to me until I tell them exactly what it is."

"How unfortunate for them," he said sardonically.

"Well it doesn't help that I'm confused, Tom," she said.

Tom raised an eyebrow. "What are you confused about, Davies?"

"I'm confused about us!" she exasperated. "You tell me we aren't friends, but yet we tell each other almost everything. You know my secrets and I know yours..."

"Would it make you feel better if I told you that we were friends?"

"Not exactly!" she exclaimed. "If you wanted to be friends, then okay. But we've done things that friends don't do, Tom."

This caused Tom to smile that devilishly handsome smile. Rose's insides clenched as she once again felt her magnetic pull towards him.

"And what have we done that friends don't do?" Tom smirked. "Enlighten me."

"We've kissed," she replied sheepishly. "More than once."

"Friends don't do that?" he asked, now taking slow steps towards her.

"No, no, no, Tom Riddle!" she panicked jumping up from the couch pointing her finger at him. "Every time you do this you cage me in like an animal and I lose track of my senses."

This caused a laugh to escape his perfect lips. He continued to slowly walk towards her, hands in his pockets.

"Do what, Miss Davies?" he cooed. "I'm only walking towards you."

Rose side stepped around him, but Tom matched her every movement.

"You know exactly what you're doing," she spat. "I came here to get answers from you. You will not have me sidetracked."

"And what answers are you seeking?"

Rose watched him like a hawk, making sure he wasn't going to make any sudden movements. She thought about hexing him so that he couldn't move, but she knew he would deflect it and it would not end well for her. There was no use in trying. Every step she took away from him, he matched it and took a step forward. She knew she would run out floor soon.

"You call me your possession," she said. "What does that mean?"

"Do you think you belong to somebody else?" he asked, in a mocking tone.

"Well – I could if I wanted to be, right? After all, we aren't dating."

"Is that what you want? A boyfriend?"

"Stop answering every question with a question," she said, growing frustrated with his silver tongue.

"I'm just trying to understand," he said, continuing to move towards her slowly. "What is it you want, Rose? You want a boy who will take you to Hogsmeade? Buy you a Butterbeer? Hold hands in the hallway? Meet your parents during the summer holiday?"

Rose didn't answer. She wasn't sure she wanted any of that. She liked the secrecy of their relationship. It was mysterious and forbidden. She wasn't even sure if she wanted everyone knowing. She especially didn't want Druella knowing. People have the tendency to ruin happiness for other people.

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