Chapter Seven - The Duel

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The tattoo on Rose's wrist burned her skin around 7pm. She took that as the signal to meet Tom and his goons in the Room of Requirement. She did not want to go, however she knew she needed to keep herself updated on their meetings. Any bit of information Tom was willing to hand over in regards to his plans was highly important to Rose.

Rose entered the Room of Requirement and noticed that she was the first to arrive, apart from Tom. She heaved a deep sigh, not particularly pleased to be alone with the Head Boy.

"I can always count on you for being on time," said Tom as he stood at the back of the room. Her heart fluttered in her chest with one look at how handsome he looked. His green and silver Slytherin tie was loosened around his neck. He was not wearing his Slytherin robes but was sporting a grey knitted V-neck jumper with matching trousers. His hands were placed in his pockets and not a single hair was out of place on the top of his head, per usual. She couldn't take her gaze off of his dark, brooding eyes that tormented her darkest fantasies.

"Tom," she mused as she slowly walked towards him. She assumed her position in front of him, placing her own hands in her pockets, facing him.

Tom's smile twisted into a scowl at the sound of his name. Rose knew he particularly didn't like to be called 'Tom' during his meetings, however Rose felt no inclination to call him Lord Voldemort, and he couldn't bring himself to make her call him that. Surely, his other followers would be punished if they dared call him 'Tom Riddle,' but Tom was not as opposed hearing his muggle name come from her, and so he allowed it.

"Not very timely, are they?" Rose teased as she glanced down at her wristwatch. At least five minutes had passed since she entered the room. "They must not take these meetings very seriously."

Tom smirked, but did not speak. The lengths Rose would go to just to get under Tom Riddle's skin knew no bounds.

Rose's head turned towards the door as she heard someone enter. Abraxas Malfoy quickly made his way over towards them, his hands also in his pockets. He assumed his position in the ranks, behind Rose.

"My Lord," said Abraxas as he got down on one knee. "Avery and Lestrange are serving detention with Professor Dumbledore tonight. They will not be in attendance."

"Thank you, Malfoy," said Tom simply.

Malfoy's eyes flickered towards Rose. She shot him a stern look as a smirk spread across his face.

"Rose," greeted Abraxas with a curt nod.

Tom observed the encounter carefully as he dived into Malfoy's mind to see what he was thinking. If he even dared to think of Rose in a suggestive manner he would ensure it would never happen again. However, after penetrating his mind he concluded that it was nothing but cordial.

Cadmus Nott and Cygnus Black were the only two who joined after Abraxas. Rosier and Mulciber had since graduated, and Tom's followers seemed a little slim. She had an inkling that this meeting would be geared towards recruitment of new members of the Knights. The three of them formed a semi-circle around Tom, Rose being in the middle. He began pacing back and forth as each of them submitted themselves to him. They kept their heads lowered out of respect. Even Rose seemed too timid to look him in the eye, which caused a delicious power to flow through his veins that he reveled in.

"Welcome, my friends," he cooed. "As you can see, our numbers have dwindled, but our strength continues to grow. Mulciber and Rosier have both secured top positions within the Ministry of Magic upon graduating. I believe this will continue to remain beneficial to us, so long as pure magical blood remains dominant within the Ministry.

"However, I would like to continue the recruitment this year for worthy members of the Knights. Abraxas has already granted me with a list of names he deems acceptable, and I have reviewed the list carefully and studied the candidates. Your job," he said, staring out at his followers. Rose had piqued curiosity and looked Tom in the eye. "Your job will be to evaluate the candidate I assign you. Get to know them if you do not already. If you find them acceptable, then you are to report back to me and we shall make them an official member. Our numbers will grow this year, and I expect the Knights of Walpurgis to remain an official group, even after I'm gone."

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