Chapter Eighteen - Quidditch

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The Slytherin common room was a buzz right before the Quidditch match on Saturday morning. Students were anxious to get to the Great Hall to greet their team as they entered. Rose was exhausted and she knew it was visible. The amount of sleep she was getting each night was less and less as the same nightmare penetrated her dreams. She would give her left hand to have anything else swim across her mind while she slept.

Rose looked out the windows and she walked to the Great Hall with Mary and Isabel and admired the grounds of Hogwarts on this gorgeous autumn day. The skies were overcast and almost every leaf had fallen off the trees. She was thankful she decided to wear her Slytherin jumper.

The rivalry between Gryffindors and Slytherins was very prominent this morning. Even Professor Slughorn and Professor Dumbledore seemed a little hostile towards each other. Rose didn't care much for the sport, but enjoyed the friendly competition between houses.

"Alright, place your bets ladies," said Cadmus as he pushed his way past two first years to join the girls at the table.

"What are you on about?" asked Mary.

Cadmus was holding a notepad and a large bag with coins. The notepad appeared to have students from various houses betting on who they thought would win.

"Just a little friendly wagering," he responded. "Let's put you down for 3 Galleons, Mary?"

Mary rolled her eyes. "Fine. Three Galleons on Slytherin winning by... thirty points. We catch the snitch, of course."

"Excellent," said Cadmus scribbling it down. She handed him the money. "Isabel?"

"I'll bet 2 Galleons that Slytherin wins by fifty points, and we catch the snitch."

"Wonderful, wonderful... and what's say you, Davies?"

It was as if suddenly Rose was not seeing through her own eyes. She saw flashes of green...and then flashes of red. She saw Fleamont Potter take a Bludger to the head. She watched Evan Zabini catch the snitch. She saw the final score... 210 to 70, Slytherin. She blinked and saw Cadmus staring at her as if she was hard of hearing.

"Davies, your wager?"

"Umm..." she started. She panicked, realizing she just had her first true vision. She glanced down the table, her eyes searching for Tom Riddle. She spotted him with the rest of his gang, looking uninterested in the excitement filling the hall. He was right... she was a Seer.

"Slytherin wins by 40," she said. "And Zabini catches the snitch."

"What's your bet?"

"Ten Galleons."

Cadmus, Mary and Isabel's jaw dropped.

"You've never gambled before have you, have you Davies?" he said. "We should start off with something a little lower. Let's say 2 Galleons."

"No, ten." She answered sternly.

"Alright, Davies," Cadmus said with a smirk. "It's your loss. You need to be exactly right, you know? To win it back?"

"I'm not an idiot, Nott," she said.

"Okay," he said scribbling her name and her wager into his book. Rose handed him the money and he left with a smug look on his face.

"Are you mad?" asked Mary. "Odds are you won't be getting your money back, you know."

"I'll get it back," she said quietly and returned to her breakfast.

Isabel and Mary exchanged looks wondering if their friend had completely lost her mind.

After breakfast, the girls walked together to the pitch. Tom Riddle was somewhere behind them with his crew.

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