Chapter Six - Slughorn's Party

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Rose made sure to complete all of her homework before the party so she wouldn't have anything to worry about. She felt so much better now that she had made up with Tom and was able to spend the day out on the grounds with her friends.

They sat underneath a large oak tree that was near the Black Lake. A bunch of students decided to take advantage of the nice weather. The air was cool, but the sun was shining. It was absolutely perfect.

"Are you excited for tonight?" asked Mary.

"I'm a bit nervous," said Rose.

"You're going to have a great time," said Isabel.

"What if tonight's the night he asks you to go steady?" asked Mary. "I mean... you two are already basically dating."

"Are we?" asked Rose.

"I mean... Tom's not seeing anyone else, and neither are you," said Mary. "I don't see why he wouldn't make things official."

"I don't think Tom Riddle 'dates'," said Rose. "He's very... different than other boys."

"Well we all know that," said Isabel. "But deep down he's just like every other sixteen year old boy."

Rose looked out at the Black Lake and thought about Tom. She tried to imagine what it would be like to be in an official relationship with him, but she couldn't picture it. She couldn't visualize him taking her to Hogsmeade on a date, or sitting with her in the common room snogging on the couch. Tom was too quiet and private for any public displays of affection. Every time they've had an intimate moment, they were completely alone.

As Rose slipped on her dress for the evening she couldn't stop thinking about Tom. She was determined to get to know him, and dive deeper into his mind. He was so closed off and only opened up to her that one time. Maybe she could use tonight as a stepping-stone into figuring out the inner workings of his mind. She could not forget about her brother's warning about his fascination with the Dark Arts. She wanted Tom to trust her. She needed to gain his full trust.

"You look... AMAZING!" said Mary as her and Isabel walked into their room. Rose stared at the full-length mirror and studied the green dress, which hugged her hips and then cascaded down to the floor. The halter-top exposed her collarbones, her shoulders and just enough cleavage. Mary had straightened Rose's hair and weaved a beaded vine into a plait. Rose hardly recognized herself, and smiled.

"Tom's not going to be able to keep his eyes off you," said Isabel as she scanned her up and down.

"That's the point," said Mary as she adjusted a stray tendril of Rose's hair. "Well, you better hurry up. You don't want to keep the man waiting. Here take this."

Mary handed her a small glass, which contained an amber-colored liquid.

"What's this?"

Rose took the glass and started quizzically at it.

"Firewhiskey," she mused. "For the nerves."

Rose gaped at her for a moment before she shrugged her shoulders and tipped the liquid down the hatch. It filled her body with warmth that started in her belly and spread to the tips of her fingers and toes.

"You're right," said Rose as she squinted at the after taste. "It certainly helped the nerves a bit."

"I put an extra bottle of it in your handbag if you need it," said Mary.

Mary, Rose and Isabel descended the stairs of the girl's dormitory and entered the common room. Tom was standing by the fireplace in a deep conversation with Abraxas Malfoy. Her heart fluttered in her chest when she saw how deliciously handsome he looked. She also noticed George Parkinson standing in a corner gawking at her, but she chose to ignore it.

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