Chapter Twelve - Domineering

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"Almost an entire bottle of wine, and no dinner," chided Tom as he examined the nearly empty bottle sitting on the table next to Rose. Even though she was fairly drunk, she did her best to maintain her composure in front of the Head Boy.

"Why are you always so concerned about what I consume?" she muttered as she took another sip of wine.

He smirked as he circled the table and rounded towards her. She shifted uncomfortably, hating when he circled and towered over her like a damn vulture.

"Is it so wrong to worry about a classmate's wellbeing?" he teased.

"Oh, so I've been demoted to 'classmate' now, have I?" she retorted. "Glad we got that cleared up."

The smirk on Tom's face broadened, clearly amused by her annoyance. She was about to take another sip of wine but Tom placed his hand over the top of her glass. Her wide eyes looked up at him and he gently took the glass from her hands and placed it on the table. He leaned back into her, her breath hitched in her throat as he leaned closer. His perfectly smooth, sculpted lips inches from hers... taunting her...

"You know, as well as I do, that you aren't just my classmate," he breathed. His cool, minty breath hit her face and she felt like her insides would freeze if he got any closer to her.

"What am I?" she whispered.

He chuckled. "Shall I make a list of all the things you are?"

She said nothing, but simply stared into his eyes as his famous smirk tugged at his lips.

"You are... extremely infuriating, astonishingly stubborn and you don't know when it is appropriate to shut the hell up," he spat.

"So that's why you invited me here?" snapped Rose. "So you could insult me further?" He held up his hand as if to silence her.

"But, you are also... incredibly intelligent, loyal, and trustworthy..." he continued, his tone much calmer than before. "You are mysterious, secretive, but above all... you completely beguile me, Miss Davies."

Rose's body was frozen as Tom placed his cool hands against her cheeks. He had one knee propped up against the couch and he was leaned into her as far as he could without pressing their bodies up against each other. Rose hadn't realized she had gripped onto the hem of his shirt... all she wanted was for him to press his lips against hers.

"Do you mean that, Tom?" she whispered.

He didn't answer. His eyes merely traveled down to her lips, and then back up to her eyes as he slowly nodded.

"You're captivating," she whispered. The magic between them was vibrating feverishly and they could both feel it. She involuntarily spread her thighs further apart. Tom didn't fail to notice as he positioned his other knee in between her legs, pressed up against her. She moaned as Tom lightly gripped her neck, rubbing his hands across her smooth, pale skin. Her head was propped up against the back of the couch and Tom used his other hand to grab a fistful of her hair. His mouth was enclosed on hers as she let out another moan.

Her senses exploded as she finally felt Tom's lips upon hers again. She didn't understand how one person could be so delicious and so enticing. It was as if fireworks were exploding inside her body as Tom's tongue entered her mouth. Her muscles were limp and she simply existed only for Tom's pleasure. She would let him do anything he wanted to her.

Rose's body protested as she felt Tom pull away from her. He looked flustered as he yanked his tie from his neck. She was confused as Tom pulled out his wand and pointed it at a vacant chair.

"I'm tired of that fucking couch," he spat harshly.


Rose watched in amazement as the chair had transfigured itself into a bed with emerald satin sheets. Not only was she impressed that Tom could perform magic well beyond the range of any other seventeen-year-old wizard, but she was slightly taken aback once she realized that Tom meant business if he just transfigured a bed out of thin air.

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