Chapter Five - Severed Family Ties

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Rose was finally able to explain to Mary and Isabel what happened at dinner that night. She was completely drained and doubted whether she'd be able to get any homework done tonight. She didn't tell them what happened with Tom before Transfiguration.

"Why would Dumbledore say that?" asked Mary. "All the other teachers love Tom."

"I dunno," said Rose. "It was weird."

"So Tom has almost kissed you twice now?" asked Isabel as she took a sip of pumpkin juice.

"I guess you could say that," she replied sheepishly.

She looked down the table and saw Tom in his usual spot with his gang. He wasn't talking, but he looked like he was deep in thought, ignoring his friends. He looked so handsome, and Rose couldn't break her gaze from his perfectly sculpted lips. He was physically perfect in every way. However his behavior towards her this afternoon lingered in the back of her mind.

"So are you ready for Saturday?" asked Mary.

"What's Saturday?" asked Rose, not fully listening.

"Slughorn's party!" exclaimed Isabel. "You haven't forgot already, have you?"

"Oh right, that," said Rose. "I think I'm ready... well, ready as I'll ever be."

"It'll be great," said Mary. "I'll do your hair for you."

"Thanks," muttered Rose. Her hair was the least of her worries. She really liked Tom, and she wanted things to work out between them, but his behavior today was extremely weird. Why was he so accusatory? Why was he convinced that she told someone about his past? Why did Dumbledore try to get involved? The whole situation was causing her head to spin.

"I'm going back to the common room," said Rose as she stood up. "I need sleep."

"Are you okay?" asked Isabel.

"I'm fine," she answered. "I'm just really tired. I'll see you guys later."

Rose made her way out of the Great Hall and headed back towards the Slytherin Common Room. She walked slowly, trying to clear her head. The hallways were dimly lit and filled her with a sense of peace. Hogwarts was her one true home. She felt neglected when she was at home, she wished her family tried to get to know her more. She wished her brother would spend time with her. She wished someone actually gave a shit about her. Maybe that's why she was so drawn to Tom. They were kindred spirits in a way.

Rose was so enthralled in thoughts that when she turned the corner she ran into something hard, or rather someone.

"Oh, sorry!" exclaimed Rose as she bent down to pick up the books that had dropped. She had run into George Parkinson who was also a Slytherin fifth year but a Prefect.

"No worries," he said quietly. Rose could tell he was a bit annoyed. She picked up his copy of Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them and handed it to him.

"Not exactly fifth year reading material, is it?" she asked.

He chucked as he took the book from her.

"I just checked it out from the library," he answered. "Just need it for some research purposes."

"Not for an assignment we have coming up, I hope? I haven't been paying that close attention in Care of Magical Creatures."

"No, no, just leisurely purposes."

Rose nodded her head as she examined George. She had known him since their first year when they were both sorted into Slytherin, but it wasn't until this moment that she noticed how handsome had become. He was the nerdy type, meaning he always had his nose in a book. His blonde hair was swept messily over his face and he had the bluest eyes she had ever seen. He wore glasses, which made him look more mature.

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