Chapter Fourteen - Tension

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Rose was no longer afraid of Tom, even though the rational part of her brain was telling her to run away from him as fast as she could. The two teenagers sat at opposite ends of the room consumed in their own thoughts. Rose preferred it when Tom kept his distance because it kept her thoughts clear. She glared at him as she watched the flames from the fireplace frame his perfectly sculpted face. How could something so beautiful be so damaged? Rose refused to believe that there was only darkness inside of him. Sure, he had a rough upbringing, but that doesn't automatically turn you into a murderer or tyrant.

Regardless if what Tom said was true about her parents, she believed him when he told her that she was a descendant of Mopsus. Mopsus was born in Ancient Greece and he was most famous for having defeated his rival and fellow Seer Calchas in a competition of their powers. Unable to cope with his loss, Calchas killed himself, deeming Mopsus the greatest Seer of ancient times.

It made sense. If Tom couldn't see into her mind, if her real name was Rose Mantos, she believed that's who she truly was. The only question that lingered in her mind was why? Why would her parents hide this from her? What happened to her real parents? She was now looking forward to spending some quality time with her family over the holidays with her newfound revelations.

"Do you plan on staying up here all night?" asked Tom. She looked up and he was now standing, walking towards her. She realized it must be way past curfew.

"Do you?" she challenged.

"I'm a Prefect," he sneered. "You, however, would find yourself in a heap of trouble if caught roaming the corridors at this hour."

He had a point.

Rose reluctantly stood up from her seat, walked past Tom as she reached for her bag. She could feel Tom's eyes on her, watching her every move. She picked up Secrets of the Darkest Art off of the table Tom had placed it, but he snatched her wrist before she could throw it into her bag.

"Tom, stop," she said quietly, ignoring the jolt of electricity running through her body at his touch.

"I think I'll hold onto this," he said, his eyes boring into hers.

"It's checked out under my name," she said, knowing he wouldn't care.

"I'll hold onto it," he repeated, more slowly as if she was a child who didn't understand. She feigned rolling her eyes at him as she let go of the book. "This book has no business being in your possession."

"I can handle anything that's in that book," she spat as she threw the strap of her bag over her shoulder.

"Don't go giving yourself anymore nightmares," he retorted.

Not wanting to argue with Tom anymore, she strode over to the doorway to head back to the common room. Her mind and body couldn't handle anymore of Tom Riddle for the night.

"Miss Mantos," he called cheerily after her. She stopped as she was reaching for the handle, but she didn't turn around to face him.

"Don't call me that."

"I'm curious," he ignored her. "Do tell me if and when you start having visions. And don't lie to me about it... I have ways of finding out the truth, without Legilimency."

She felt a cold chill creep down her spine. She turned to get one last look at Tom. He stood in the middle of the room with his hands behind his back and that annoying smile plastered across his face. It was the first time he looked like a powerful ruler, and not a teenage boy.

She broke her gaze away from Tom and left the Room of Requirement.


Rose returned to the Slytherin common room at midnight. She thankfully was not spotted by and prefects or teachers. She was surprised that she was not the only one awake.

George Parkinson was tucked away into a corner near the fireplace at the far end of the room. His nose was in a book and his hair seemed to be in disarray and his glasses were slightly askew. He hadn't even noticed Rose's presence.

"Late night, Parkinson?" asked Rose. George jumped at the sound of her voice.

"Oh, Rose, it's you," he said relieved.

"Were you expecting someone else?" she asked making her way towards her. She tried to catch a glimpse of what he was working on so intently, but he slipped the book off the table and tucked it away into his bag.

"No, no," he said as he adjusted his glasses. "Just didn't think anyone else was awake. Trying to get my Potions essay finished before Friday."

"George, we don't have a Potions essay due Friday," she replied. She would know with the amount of time she's poured over her schoolwork.

"Oh don't we?" he asked flustered. "I meant Defense Against the Dark Arts... the one due Monday."

Rose eyed him suspiciously.

"Maybe you should get some sleep," she suggested. "I think all this O.W.L.s prep is getting to you."

"Oh I'm fine," he said. His demeanor was beginning to ease up. "Listen, I meant to ask you how things were going with Riddle? I haven't seen you with him since Slughorn's party."

Rose sighed. She didn't want to talk about Tom anymore tonight.

Before Rose had the chance to answer, the entrance to the common room opened and Tom Riddle walked in. For some reason she hadn't expected him to return to the common room, since he's always up to something suspicious.

George and Rose's eyes met Tom Riddle's. He merely smiled at them.

"Where've you been Riddle?" questioned George. "Prefect rounds ended hours ago."

"I don't think that's any of your business, Parkinson," he said darkly. Rose knew Tom didn't like to be questioned about his suspicious activities.

"Well, I best be off to bed," said George, gathering his books. He gave Rose an apologetic look before setting off for the boys' dormitory.

"I see I'm not the only Prefect you fancy meeting with after curfew," he teased. Rose wasn't in the mood.

"He was the only one in here when I arrived," she replied. "We were just talking."

"About what?"

About you.

"School stuff," she answered vaguely. Tom began making his way towards her. She didn't want to be close to him right now. She lost all sense of control when he was close to her. She stepped back involuntarily. Tom noticed.

"Feeling afraid of me all of a sudden?" he sneered.

"You wish, Riddle," she said.

"Come on Davies, I don't bite."

Rose's throat went dry as she fixated on his smile and noticed his perfect teeth. She wondered what they would feel like on her delicate skin...

"I'm going to bed," she said, tearing her gaze off of him. She was angry with herself for allowing her emotions to go haywire in such close proximity to Tom.

"Goodnight, Riddle," she said as she set off to the girls' dormitory. Thankfully Tom didn't hold her back.

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