Chapter Twenty-Nine - Encounters

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Rose tried not to let Druella's words get to her because she didn't believe her, however that didn't prevent her from staring at the canopy of her four-poster as she lay in bed replaying the entire conversation to herself in the quiet hours of the early morning.

Tom was strange, she could not deny that, but she still believed their connection was greater than anything anyone else could understand. They weren't dating. Rose had at least came to terms with the fact that Tom Riddle would never take her on a date. But she did also come to the conclusion that Tom would go to great lengths to keep her.

He's only keeping you around because of your gift. She fought with the little voice in the back of her head.

Yes, Tom admires my gift, however he is not using me.

How can you be so sure? You really think he loves you?

People express love in all sorts of ways. Maybe the way Tom expresses love is less traditional.

He's openly admitted to murder and you're worried about whether or not he loves you?

Exactly, he's opened up to me more than he ever has with anyone else.

He would kill you if you betrayed him.

You don't know that!

Rose shoved her pillow into her face as if it would silence her innermost thoughts. She decided she wouldn't be falling back asleep. She looked over at Mary and Isabel, both sleeping peacefully with their chests gently rising and falling. Neither of them having a care in the world, with their biggest worry being their upcoming O.W.L.s. It seemed as if Rose had become an adult overnight, with problems that stretched beyond school. She had fallen in love and it had changed her entire world.

Rose swung her legs off the side of the bed and decided to at least be productive with her free time. She grabbed her books and made her way into the common room. As she expected, she was the only one awake at this hour.

She slumped into her favorite chair and pulled out her Ancient Runes essay. She had finished it the previous night but decided to put some last minute finishing touches on it. She needed something... anything... to take her mind off of Tom Riddle.

"You're up early," said a cool voice.

Rose looked up as Abraxas Malfoy made his way towards her and sat in the armchair opposite to her. Unlike Rose, Abraxas was already dressed and ready for the day.

"I could say the same to you," she responded.

"My thoughts tend to keep me up," he said. Rose returned her attention to her essay.

"I know what you mean."

Abraxas knew that if Tom were to walk in on them this very minute and spot them alone, he would administer the Killing Curse on him with the single wave of a wand, but he figured since Tom was up late the previous night, he would not be wakening for several more hours. Abraxas liked Rose, but he was no fool. He knew to never cross his master.

"Anything in particular keeping you awake?" muttered Abraxas quietly. Rose looked up at him questioningly.

"What's it to you?" she spat. "Don't pretend to care about me, Malfoy. I don't even know why you're speaking to me."

He was taken aback at her sudden anger towards him.

"It was just a question," he defended. His eyes flickered down towards her bag and he noticed a black leather book peeking out of the top. Rose noticed him eyeing Tom's Horcrux.

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