Chapter Two - The Invitation

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The next morning Rose, Mary and Isabel made their way down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Rose hardly slept due to the fact that Tom Riddle kept creeping into her dreams. His dark eyes haunted her dreams. His cold hands reached out and brushed her face. She woke up in a cold sweat wondering how the hell he had such a sudden, strong effect on her. She had known him for years, but suddenly now she felt a strong connection to him. She couldn't explain it. She had no answers.

Professor Slughorn was making his rounds handing out Slytherin students' new schedules.

"Carrow... Davies... and – ah yes, Nott," said Slughorn as he handed the girls their schedules.

"Merlin's beard," exclaimed Slughorn as he examined Rose and noticed her sunken eyes and dark circles around them. "My dear child it looks as if you haven't slept at all."

"I didn't sleep much. Just takes me a few days to adjust to being back at school," she lied.

"Not to worry, my dear," said Slughorn fumbling inside of his robes. "I always carry a fresh brew of Wideye Potion with me the first week of school. It takes me awhile to adjust as well."

Slughorn pulled out a green vial of a foggy liquid and dumped a couple of drops into Rose's pumpkin juice.

"That ought to do the trick," he said. "Might be a good idea to keep some on you; especially with your impending O.W.L.s coming up at the end of term. Ah – hold on there Mulciber, I have your time table right here."

Slughorn continued walking down the Slytherin table to hand out the remaining schedules. Rose, Mary and Isabel glanced at their schedules.

"Mondays and Wednesdays are packed," groaned Isabel.

"At least we have some free periods on Tuesdays and Thursdays," said Mary.

"And look! All we have on Fridays are Double Potions!" exclaimed Mary. "Brilliant. We can just hang out and relax."

"I wouldn't count on that," said a dark, brooding voice. Rose's heart stopped in her chest as she looked up and saw Tom Riddle sitting down right across from her. "You'll need that extra time for studying and homework."

Rose couldn't believe Tom had willingly sat down near her. She took this time and studied his perfect face. His dark curls swept across his forehead and his dark eyes were identical to the eyes she saw in her dream; dark and mysterious. The aura surrounding him was intimidating and palpable.

"We've never studied for an exam before," said Mary. "Why start now?"

"You'll be eating your words once this week ends," said Tom coolly. "I wouldn't be surprised if there's multiple assignments you won't be able to finish before they're due."

"I'm sure you got Outstandings on all of your O.W.L.s," said Rose. Every time Tom made eye contact with her, she felt a jolt of electricity flow down her spine.

"I got by," he simply said.

Slughorn found his way back over towards them.

"Tom, my boy!" he shrieked. "Didn't have the chance to catch up with you after feast last night. Had a good summer, I hope?"

Tom's expression went from completely somber to radiant, almost as if a flip was switched in his head. Rose seemed to be the only one who noticed.

"It was very... fulfilling," said Tom, searching for the correct words. He immediately started fiddling with a gold ring with a black stone on his finger. Rose was watching him intently.

"Excellent, excellent," said Slughorn rummaging through the schedules until he found Tom's and handed it to him. "I don't have much time for chit chat now, but be on the lookout for my next invitation. We'll be getting the Slug Club back together this year of course."

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