Chapter Three - Revelations

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Rose's eyelids slowly started to close as she poured over her Transfiguration essay. Her quill falling out of her hand as her body went limp.

"Wake up!" she told herself as her eyes snapped open. She looked around the common room and she was the only person left. Everyone else had gone up to bed. The candle at her table was almost burnt out. The fireplace had a dull glow as it was trying to stay lit. She wasn't sure what time it was, but she assumed past midnight.

She looked down at her essay on Vanishing Spells when she could hear Tom's voice echo in the back of her head.

"I wouldn't be surprised if there's multiple assignments you won't finish before they're due."

She sighed, pulled out a bottle of Wideye Potion that she ended up brewing for herself and took a swig. She was determined to finish this essay before the end of the night.

"Falling behind on assignments already, Davies?" asked a calm voice from behind her.

She jumped as she turned to face Tom Riddle. He had a smirk on his face.

"Tom... you scared me," she said.

"That was not my intention, I assure you," he said as he slowly made his way towards her. She was suddenly nervous. She watching him carefully as he glided across the room with such elegance

"What are you doing out of bed?" asked Rose as Tom sat down at the vacant seat across from her. He was not wearing his nightclothes.

"I could be asking you the same thing," he answered. "You should get some sleep."

"I need to finish this essay before tomorrow," she said as she looked down at her parchment. "I sort of dozed off."

"I would tell you not to worry about it, that I could have a word with the teacher, but Professor Dumbledore and I don't exactly see eye to eye."

"Really?" asked Rose. "I thought all the teachers loved you."

He smiled. She waited for him to say something, but he didn't.

"So, where were you tonight?" asked Rose. "Why were you out so late?"

"Meeting with Professor Slughorn," he said. "We lost track of time."

"You two seem to be thick as thieves," said Rose.

"He understands me," said Tom.

"I'll be honest, I'm quite nervous for his party on Saturday," admitted Rose.

"How come?"

"I don't exactly... fit in with those people..."

"Those people?" he questioned.

"Successful people," she clarified. "I dunno... people destined for greatness."

"Who's to say you aren't destined for greatness, Rose?" asked Tom. This was the first she had heard her name on his lips and it sounded musical.

"I'm a nobody," she said. "My own parents are disappointed in me, my brother wants absolutely nothing to do with me, and my only true ambition is school and my studies, yet I have no idea what I want out of life. I'm truly nothing special."

Tom studied her face and interlaced his fingers and placed them on the table. He leaned forward so he was closer to Rose. Her heart was pounding in her chest, she was sure that he could hear it.

"I don't want to hear you speaking about yourself like that ever again," he said sternly. "People who think they are nothing, amount to nothing in the end. You are in charge of creating your own destiny. I don't care where you came from or who your parents are, you are not them. You are a Slytherin and you are destined for greatness if that's what you wish."

Rose could see the passion in Tom's eyes. This was exactly why he was such a brilliant student. He was determined and he believed in creating your own path in life.

"Besides," he continued. "Slughorn tells me that you're a brilliant student. The top student in your class, as a matter of fact."

"I wish it came easier for me," said Rose avoiding Tom's gaze.

"It doesn't come easy for anyone," said Tom.

"It does for you," she said.

Tom threw his head back and laughed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You think all my success came easy?" he said as he leaned back. "Oh sweetheart, you have no idea."

"You're right, I don't," agreed Rose. "I don't know anything about you other than you're brilliant and everyone adores you."

He sat there and studied her face for a few moments before he spoke. The silence caused her pulse to quicken.

"I was raised in a muggle orphanage. I never knew my parents. Supposedly my mother died while giving birth to me, and my sorry excuse for a father abandoned her. To which I have the most unfortunate burden of bearing his name. I've been alone my entire life."

Rose's eyes filled with sadness as she stared at the boy across from her. She had no idea, and she definitely didn't feel worthy enough for him to open up and tell her the truth. Tom was always such a mystery, and she had a feeling deep in her gut that she was one of the only people who knew that truth about him.

"I'm so sorry, Tom," she finally said.

"Don't ever apologize. You don't have to be sorry about anything, ever," he said. "Apologies are for the weak."

"Okay," she said quietly. Their eyes locked and Rose stared deep into Tom's eyes as if she was trying to get a glimpse of his damaged soul. She broke eye contact and looked back down at her essay.

"I don't think I'll be finishing this tonight," she said as she rolled up her parchment and placed it into her bag. Tom carefully watched her every move. "I should get some sleep, like you said."

She stood up and Tom followed suit. He stood at least a foot taller than her. Rose avoided his gaze and stared at her feet.

Rose could feel the buzz of electric waves vibrating in the air between them. His mere presence was intoxicating.

Tom placed his hand on Rose's shoulder. She shuddered at his touch. He placed his other hand under her chin and tipped her face so their gazes met. Rose's heart felt like it was going to explode out of her chest.

"Are you afraid of me?" he whispered.

She locked eyes with his, and nodded.

"Yes," she breathed.

"Good. You should be," he said.

Rose closed her eyes, she waited for the feeling of Tom's soft lips against hers, but the feeling never came and she felt she was being denied air to breathe. Her eyes fluttered open and noticed he was pulling away from her.

"You should sleep," he said, now avoiding her gaze.

"Right," said Rose as she picked up her bag off the floor. "I'll um... I'll see you tomorrow."

She didn't wait for Tom to respond, she just darted past him towards the girl's dormitories.

Once she reached her room, she closed the door and tried to catch her breath. She couldn't process what just happened. She quietly changed out of her robes, careful not to wake her roommates.

She flopped into bed once she had her pajamas on, but her mind was far from settled. Tom was a strange boy, but she had her first very real conversation with him and started to understand him a little more. He felt a deep sense of abandonment by his father, who didn't even want to be part of his son's life. As for his mother, he didn't even have the chance to ever know her. He was raised in an orphanage with no one to love him... she pitied him.

She closed her eyes and wasfinally able to drift to sleep, and once again dreamed about those dark,brooding eyes that belonged to Tom Riddle.

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