Chapter Four - The Eyes of Voldemort

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Rose made her way to the Room of Requirement and it greeted her with the same warmth and serenity as it had the previous year. She smiled as she traipsed over to her spot on the squashy couch in front of the fireplace. She knew Tom would find her here. There wasn't a doubt in her mind about that.

She briefly recalled their encounter in Diagon Alley. She had wondered why Tom had been so mysterious in regards to his whereabouts. What could he have been doing in Borgin and Burkes? Borgin and Burkes was known a known seller and trader of unusual and unique artifacts. Perhaps he was attempting to divulge information about the unknown relic of Godric Gryffindor...

"Breaking the rules on the first day back, are we Miss Davies?" said Tom Riddle sardonically as he entered the room.

"I've broken numerous rules for you," she sharply retorted as she stood up. "Why break my streak when I'm on a roll?"

She looked up and Tom was smirking, his hands in his pockets as he casually strolled over to her. The fireplace cast a grim shadow on the right side of his face, which accentuated his sharp features.

"Besides," she continued, "it's not like the Head Boy is about to take points from his own house."

"Maybe not. However that does not mean I can allow you to undermine my authority over you."

"What are you gonna' do, Riddle?" she teased as he stepped in front of her. "Give me detention?"

The magic inside her body hummed with fervor as Tom towered over her. The blood flowing in her veins was pulsating through every inch of her body. This was the first time Tom and her and been alone since last year, not including their brief conversation in Diagon Alley. She had been waiting all summer to get him alone...

"What happened to that little girl who trembled in my mere presence?" he asked as he quirked his eyebrow and smirked at her. "The one whose eyes filled with fear whenever I asked her a direct question?"

"She grew up," said Rose automatically. "I told you, Tom. I'm not afraid of you... anymore."

He stepped forward and closed the small open space between them. Rose's breath hitched in her throat as she maintained eye contact.

"Maybe I need to find a way to instill that fear again," he breathed. His lip quivered and Rose noticed. She yearned for those lips to meet hers after such a long time...

"Beg for it," he whispered, barely inaudible.

"What?" Rose asked as she quirked an eyebrow. Her face inches from his.

"I said, beg for it," he ordered, more darkly. His eyes were fixated on hers. The magic radiating between the two of them was so electric that Rose swore the air around them could catch fire at any moment. She was intimidated by the hum of their powers.

"Beg for what?" she breathed.

"For what you want," he growled, "Beg me to kiss you."

She didn't have the chance to respond before Tom forcefully threw her up against the wall using wandless magic. She winced as she hit the wall with more force than she had anticipated. She tried to push herself off the wall, but Tom was too quick and was already pushing her up against the wall to keep her in place. Her heart was racing, but she wasn't scared. Her body was trembling with pure adrenaline and excitement. She knew it was wrong to be enjoying this, but she was. She couldn't help it.

"Do as you're told," he threatened menacingly. She could have sworn for a split-second his eyes flashed red.

"Kiss me," she muttered as Tom placed his hand around her throat. The other hand grabbed a clump of hair from behind her head and tilted it so her face was looking up at him. "Please... please, Tom... kiss me..."

"Beg like you mean it," he ordered as his hand slowly tightened around her neck. Every command coming from his mouth was increasingly growing angrier, more sinister...

Rose whimpered as Tom's smile spread across his face, enjoying watching her struggle.

"Please... please... I need you to kiss me, Tom... please, My Lord..."

Tom's eyes darkened as he stared back into her green irises. A mixture of satisfaction, pride and power coursed through his body as he listened to Rose utter those two little words... the name she had sworn she never would call him.

He decided that she had earned her reward and ended her suffering by enclosing his mouth over hers. He was not gentle. He forced his tongue through the barricade of her lips as she moaned in pleasure and let him explore her mouth.

As satisfactory as it was for Tom to hear Rose call him by his true title, he quickly felt uncomfortable as his hormones raged and took over his senses. Rose's warm flesh pressed up against his body caused him to lose control. Her luscious lips melded perfectly together with his. The woman had a way of making him forget who he was when they were caught up in the throes of passion.

Rose submitted to Tom as he aggressively threw her onto the couch. Her thoughts could not focus on anything except for his lips against her neck. She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the trail of electricity his lips left against her skin. However, she sensed a certain darkness overtaking her. She tried to ignore it, but it was overpowering. She knew Tom's dark magic was pulsating through the air that surrounded them as it usually did, but in this moment, she did not feel safe.

Her eyes opened and she met Tom's eyes, only they weren't the same dark brown color she was used to gazing into. She blinked, thinking she might have imagined it, but her breathing hitched in her throat when she realized it wasn't a trick of the light. Tom's eyes were bright red as they gazed into her very soul. He twisted his mouth into a menacing smile and Rose froze in terror.

Seconds passed before she came to her senses and pushed Tom off of her and clambered off of the couch. She nearly tripped over her robes as she stumbled to her feet, trying desperately to separate herself from Tom.

"What is your problem?" he spat with anger. Rose panted as she turned back to face him. He looked disheveled as he ran his hand through his perfect, curly locks. He straightened his robes as he stared at Rose as if she were mad.

Rose couldn't speak. She merely stared at him, her chest still heavily moving up and down. His eyes had returned to their normal dark color, however she was sure she hadn't imagined it. His eyes were glistening blood red. She had seen those eyes before. She had seen them in the nightmare that had plagued her nights for the past year.

She pictured the pale face,the snakelike features and the piercing red eyes. She understood now that the creature from her dreams was not Grindlewald. It was a warning. Her visionswere not about Gellert Grindlewald's rise to power... they were about Lord Voldemort's.

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