Chapter Eleven - The Soul Within The Diary

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Rose was unsure when the next meeting would be with the Knights of Walpurgis, but she was thankful she had her studies to keep her mind occupied. Tom Riddle had found her in the library one evening whilst the rest of the student body was in the Great Hall enjoying dinner. Rose was hopeful Tom wouldn't find her, since she had been successfully evading him for the past couple of days, but she knew her luck had run out when she watched him confidently strut to her table tucked away in the corner.

"Not eating again, are we?" he chided as he sat down across from Rose. Her books sprawled out across the entire table, but Tom ignored it as he placed his hand on top of her Charms textbook.

"I could say the same to you," she retorted, looking back down at her book.

"I have just finished my dinner," said Tom. "You, on the other hand, were absent entirely."

"Wow Tom, quick as a whip you are," she replied sarcastically. "Your N.E.W.T.s won't stand a chance against that clever mind."

Normally, this would have struck a nerve with Tom, coming from anyone other than Rose Davies. However, he found her smart mouth slightly endearing as a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Are you still bitter over losing the duel?" he pried. "If so, you should accept defeat and move on with your life. Your moping is growing old."

Rose snapped her head up and locked onto his gorgeous dark eyes. She tried not to pay any attention to his handsome features as she tried to formulate a witty remark.

"I'm not moping," was all she could muster.

"Yes you are," he said with a light laugh. "It doesn't do you any good to lie to me, Miss Davies."

"What do you want, Tom?" she asked. He lowered his gaze as he smirked at her and Rose suddenly felt weak. It was as if Tom had the power to make her come undone with a simple look. She felt her cheeks grow hot and suddenly felt uncomfortable as Tom's eyes trailed down her body. She grew angry once she realized Tom knew exactly what he was doing.

"Damn it, Tom," she snapped. "Why are you here?"

"You know why I'm here," he cooed as he studied her intently. "I want to know what you and Professor Dumbledore were talking about the other day in class."

Rose knew this was coming, but she did not want to discuss Tom's Horcruxes right here in the middle of the library.

"Did you think you could avoid me forever?" he chided, with slight arrogance in his tone.

"I wasn't –"

She was going to tell him that she wasn't avoiding him, but the look in his eyes as he raised an eyebrow told her it was no use lying to him. He knew as well as she did that she had been avoiding him.

"Well, if you must know at this very moment," she looked around and lowered her voice significantly. "It was about Godric Gryffindor's relic."

Tom leaned forward with piqued interest. His eyes gleamed with excitement as he waited for Rose to continue.

"Over the summer, I had a vision about a sword that was – sort of – encrusted with ruby gemstones on the hilt. I wasn't sure of the significance until I spoke to Dumbledore. He said that Godric Gryffindor left behind a sword before he departed from the school."

"Did he say where it is now?"

"No. He actually said he hasn't seen it in years."

Tom scowled as he leaned back in his chair in frustration.

"But, at least you know what it is," said Rose hopefully.

"Knowing what it is, is useless unless we know of the location," said Tom. His hands were now clasped together resting underneath his chin. Rose could see the gears turning in his mind. "Dumbledore must know more..."

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