Chapter Fifteen - Crossed Lines

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The winter months brought a freezing chill to the halls of Hogwarts. Students were beginning to lose motivation as the winter break was days away. Rose's spirits were sinking with the looming thought of Tom leaving school in the spring. She felt as if they were running out of time together and she desperately wanted to tell him how she truly feels. She only had a few months left to save him, and she felt like she was failing.

Aside from Tom, her thoughts were consumed with the prophecy she had predicted. She still couldn't believe she was capable of such magic. She searched the library in the hopes of finding something, anything, in reference to the Deathly Hallows, but to no avail.

She hadn't had any recent visions. She even spent additional time in the Divination classroom gazing into a crystal ball, trying to find answers. However, crystal ball gazing was not her favorite way to predict the future and seemed to be the most imprecise, in her opinion. She was coming up empty in all aspects.

Rose gazed out the window of the Divination classroom and watched the snowfall create a white blanket amongst the grounds. Some students were out enjoying their afternoon, building snowmen and enchanting snowballs to hurl at one another, but Rose could not even remember what it felt like to have fun or do something that didn't provide her with academic gain. She sighed, feeling completely lost, as she snapped her textbook shut and placed the crystal ball back on Professor Vablatsky's shelf.

As Rose climbed down the trapdoor from the Divination classroom, she nearly toppled on top of someone who was ascending the ladder at the same time she was descending.

"Davies, what the hell?" snapped a cool voice.

Rose stumbled as she landed on the hard stone ground and looked up and saw a very irate Tom Riddle, brushing off his robes and running his fingers through his perfect hair.

"Tom, I'm sorry," she said breathily.

Tom still looked flustered and irritated as he tried to regain his composure.

"Would it kill you to watch where you're going? Honestly, Davies, you spend more time with your head in the clouds than you do down here with the rest of us," he spat.

Rose couldn't help but smile. Seeing Tom flustered was rare, but it was definitely an enjoyable sight when it happened.

"I wasn't expecting anyone to sneak up on me," replied Rose. "Professor Vablatsky doesn't have anymore classes this afternoon."

"No one was sneaking up on you," said Tom. "I was looking for you and this was the last place I figured you'd be. I try my hardest to avoid this part of the castle."

"Well, you found me," said Rose as she crossed her arms across her chest. Tom had placed his hands in the pockets of his robes. "What is it you'd like to discuss?"

Tom looked from left to right, making sure no one else was around.

"Not here," he said. "Follow me."

Rose knew he was leading her to the Room of Requirement. They walked hastily in silence. Most students were outside enjoying the snow, or were tucked away in their common rooms to escape the cold. The corridors were practically empty, as they had no problem entering the Room of Requirement without witnesses.

"I wanted to discuss with you my plans after I leave Hogwarts," said Tom as they entered the room. Rose barely had stepped over the threshold before Tom began speaking quickly and excitedly.

"I have an idea that could relieve you from your duties next year," he continued. Rose was listening intently.

"My duties?" she asked.

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