Chapter Twenty-Four - Questions

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Tom and Rose lay silently together on the couch. Both of them were facing the fireplace. Tom's arm was loosely wrapped around her waist and she dared not to move, trying to make the moment last as long as possible. Most of their clothes were still discarded on the floor. Neither spoke, still trying to soak in the most intimate moment they had ever shared. The flames lapped in the fireplace like as furious dragon.

Rose had never felt this comfortable with another human in her entire life. She could lay right here forever next to Tom. She found herself holding her breath, as if the slightest sound or movement would cause Tom to pull away from her. She ignored how hungry she was, she just prayed that Tom would stay up here with her all night.

"You had my diary out when I got up here," he said quietly, breaking the beautiful silence. "Why?"

Rose took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts to form a coherent sentence.

"I feel it's the safest when it's in my hands," she simply replied. "Plus, I like to admire it."

"You do?" he inquired. He had not expected her to say that.

"Yes," she said. "It's the most rare bit of magic I've ever seen, let alone held in my hands. It's delicate, because it's part of you."

"I must day, Davies," said Tom smugly. "You are not that shy, timid girl I took to Slughorn's party. You're starting to realize how powerful we are together. We could create a whole new world, you and I."

Rose shifted to face him. "You think so?"

He nodded. "Both of our powers combined... we could do amazing things." He stroked her face with the back of his hand, the hand with his gold ring. Rose gasped and shot up straight.

"Your ring," she said as she picked her clothes up from the floor and started dressing herself.

"What about it?" Tom asked.

"I – uh, I need to tell you about what I discovered about myself over the holiday," she said.

Rose told Tom everything. The two of them had dressed themselves and Tom was now pacing near the fire as he listened to Rose's every word. His hypothesis about Grindelwald had been correct. The man wanted Rose, his Rose. He would never let that happen.

"What do we do about it?" asked Rose.

"Nothing, for now," said Tom. "Grindlewald doesn't know who you are. He doesn't know your true identity. As long as you tell no one of your gift, you'll be perfectly safe. Especially while you're still here at school."

"But what am I supposed to do about my abilities?" she asked. "I can't keep suppressing my visions."

"So don't," said Tom. "Unleash them, control them, but tell no one, except me. Do you understand?"

She nodded her head.

"Is there something else?" he questioned.

"I had another vision over the holidays," she said. "A symbol flashed across my mind. The same symbol that's engraved on your ring."

Tom looked down at his ring.

"The Peverell coat of arms?" he asked. "It's my family's symbol."

"But I also saw Grindlewald in my vision," continued Rose. "And Dumbledore. Grindlewald was upset because Dumbledore didn't give him something he wanted."


"I don't know," she said. "But then I saw that symbol flash across my mind."

Tom looked down at his ring as if he was trying to see something he hadn't seen before. Rose wondered if that symbol meant more than Tom thought. She didn't think there was a single subject in this whole world that Tom Riddle did not have information on. She knew he'd begin researching the strange symbol engraved on his ring.

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