Chapter Thirty-Three - Goodbye

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Tom and Rose had successfully returned to Hogwarts without being spotted. It was now very late, and they had snuck into the Slytherin common room together. Rose was instantly saddened at how the events in the cave played out. Tom was still just as stubborn as ever, and she felt her efforts to change him had completely failed. He was doomed, as was their relationship.

     When Tom did not immediately retreat to his dormitory, Rose sat down on the couch near the fireplace, hoping he would follow suit. She knew his mind was racing just as quickly as hers.

     "What time does the train come in the morning?" she asked, making conversation.

     "Eleven," he answered. "But you know that."

     "You should be off to bed then," she said.

     He smirked. "You should be off to bed."

     Rose stood up, walked over to one of the desks at the opposite end of the room and opened a drawer. She dug around until she found what she was looking for. A large bottle of Firewhiskey and two glasses. Tom watched her meticulously. 

     "You really want to have a drink at this hour?" he asked.

     "Why not?" she asked, pouring the amber liquid into two glasses. "It's your last night as a student and as Head Boy... lighten up for once, Riddle."

     She thrusted the glass into Tom's hand and he had no choice but to take it. Rose smirked at him as she took a sip.

     "You're in better spirits than I expected," he mused, taking a seat with his drink.

     "Don't get me wrong," she said after taking a sip, "I am disappointed, and sad that we want different things... but, given the circumstances of everything... I still want to remain present in your life. Even if you won't admit to me that you love me."

     Tom rolled his eyes and sipped his drink.

     "Why can't you just accept things the way they are?"

     She shrugged.

     "I dunno... probably the same way you can't accept mortality."

     He scowled, but she couldn't help but smirk.

     "It's so easy to get under your skin, Tom Riddle."

     He took another sip of his Firewhiskey. 

     "I take it your mind is made up then," he said. She stared at him questioningly. "You will not join me in immortality?"

     Rose sighed. She had thought about it, but she was only picturing the good parts. Forever and eternity with Tom Riddle sounded impeccable, but at what cost? She had seen the monster he would become. She did not want to become a grotesque monster alongside Tom. Her morals wouldn't allow it.

     "I intend to live my life the way it's supposed to," said Rose.

     Tom nodded, but he did not question her further. In his mind, he thought it was because he was the only one strong enough to go through with it, but in her mind, she knew it was because she did not want to give up on love.

     "You will spend your life completely wasting your time," she continued, "you'll be doing things you don't like doing, in order to go on living, that is to go on doing things you don't like doing. Which is stupid. Better to have a short life, that is full of what you like doing, than a long life spent in a miserable way."

     Tom smirked. "Who said that?"

     "Dumbledore," she replied.

     "The fool," said Tom coolly.

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