Chapter Fourteen - Rose's Prophecy

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Rose stood in front of Tom silently as they waited for everyone to leave the room. For whatever reason, she was too nervous to look into his eyes. Something about his presence in front of his followers intimidated her so much that it made her forget about their intimate moments.

He smirked at her, knowing exactly what she was thinking. He loved it when she submitted herself completely to him.

Rose finally plucked up the courage to speak once they were alone and his authoritative aura dissolved in the air around them.

"I assume you didn't ask me to stay behind so you could stare at me," she replied, rather impressed with the confidence in her tone.

"We have things to discuss," he said as he made his way towards the couch gesturing for her to follow. She hesitatingly followed.

"I believe congratulations are in order," he said as he stopped in front of the fireplace and clasped his hands behind his back. "You've successfully recruited your friends and I must say, I am surprised."

"You doubted me?" asked Rose as she quirked an eyebrow.

"Not you," he responded. "However, I was not sure how they would respond. And I am impressed with them to say the least."

"Their families uphold the same values as you apparently," she mused. He turned and raised an eyebrow at her.

"My values?"

"Don't pretend you don't know," said Rose. "Your pure blood mania. The war you want to start with the Mudbloods and Muggles. You already attempted to rid the school of Muggleborns two years ago, but you failed."

A muscle clenched in Tom's jaw, but he maintained his composure.

"We are on the same side, Davies."

"But why do there have to be sides?" asked Rose.

"That will become clearer in time," said Tom, brushing her off as he usually did. "That is not what I wanted to speak to you about."

He stood as if he were a politician. It never ceased to amaze Rose as to how well he presented himself in every situation. Tom Riddle was never flustered or erratic. He knew exactly how he wanted to present himself and he knew exactly how to achieve it. Rose mentally kicked herself for lowering her inhibitions around him.

"As you are well aware, my time here at Hogwarts is ending. And I will be choosing a successor to take my place at this school."

"Tom, I have already told you my feelings on that," interjected Rose. "I do not want to take your place."

"That decisions is unfortunately not up to you," he said acidly. "It is my decision, and it will be awarded to my most loyal follower, who just so happens to be you."

Rose didn't say anything as she waited for Tom to continue. Things always seemed to go from bad to worse whenever she tried to argue with Tom.

"Rose, you must see this from my point of view," said Tom more calmly. "You are the only person in this wretched world that I trust completely. I need you to takeover for me when I'm gone. And once you're gone, you will find someone worthy to take your place."

"But why?" asked Rose. "I'm not as strong as you, Tom. I am not a leader. What makes you think anyone will listen to me?"

"They'll listen to you," he said darkly. "If they do not, it will be a mistake."

"I really think you would be better off putting Abraxas in charge, instead of me," she muttered quietly.

"Abraxas is loyal, but he does not posses the leadership skills of my own."

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