Chapter Thirty-Two - The Cave

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Rose had never endured a more physically daunting task in her entire life. It was as if every time she swam two meters forward, the waves pushed her ten meters backwards. A few times, she was forced underwater and thrashed her arms and legs with all her might to kick back up to the surface. She wondered if Tom was actually trying to drown her.

     After what felt like hours, Rose and Tom reached the cave. He climbed up first, offering his hand. She reluctantly took it, not wanting to admit she needed his help, but she felt as if her muscles were going to give out. She now understood why Tom instructed her to wear a jacket and trousers. The air was frigid and the water had been fierce.

     Tom fumbled through his wet clothes and pulled out his wand and pointed it at his own body.


    Rose watched intently as his entire body went from soaking wet, to completely dry. He then turned his wand on her and muttered the same incantation.

     She felt the chill leave instantly leave her body and her clothes were suddenly warm and dry, as if they had been sitting out in the sun for hours.

     "Thanks," she mumbled, as Tom tucked his wand back into his clothes.

     "I must say, I'm impressed with you Davies," he mused. "Most people wouldn't survive swimming in such dangerous waters."

     "Yeah, well," she sighed, "you shouldn't underestimate me, Riddle."

     He smirked. She avoided his gaze and looked around the cave. It was eerie. She couldn't understand why Tom would want to bring her here, of all places.

     "So, are you finally going to explain to me what we are doing here?" she asked. "What's so special about this place?"

     Tom's eyes were filled with childlike delight as he began to tell her about the mysterious cave.

     "I discovered this place when I was around ten years old," he said, reminiscing on his memories. "The orphanage would take trips to this seaside once a year. It was pretty much the only thing I ever enjoyed in that wretched place. This cave... it sort of spoke to me. I could sense its powers, and I was eager to divulge all of its innermost secrets. I knew that Mrs. Cole would not let me go exploring alone, so I persuaded two orphans to come with me. Amy Benson and Dennis Bishop."

     Rose thought it was strange how he had remembered their names, but yet nothing surprised her when it came to Tom.

     "They were... a burden, for lack of a better word... Bishop kept asking me irritating questions, and Benson was so afraid, she kept asking if we could turn back. I knew I couldn't. This cave was calling to me. So I told them it would be worth it.

     "Once inside, for the first time in my life I felt safe. The power that was pulsating through the air was nearly as tangible as the power between you and I, Rose. I wanted to stay here. I did not want to leave. However, I knew I would have to return with the muggle orphans... but, I decided to at least make the best of it whilst I was here."

     Tom made his way to a small doorway that Rose had not noticed initially. 

     "I need you to do something for me, Rose," he said. She realized that he only called her by her first name when he wanted something from her.

     "Okay..." she breathed as she stepped forward.

     "I have placed a weakness payment enchantment on this door," he said, motioning to the stone doorway. "Those who enter, must make a sacrifice."

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