Chapter Thirty-Three - Making Up

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O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s had ascended upon the fifth and seventh year students at last. Rose had not spoken to Tom since their fight in the common room, but Rose didn't mind. She didn't need the distraction of Tom Riddle as she studied for the most important exams of her life.

Most fifth-year Slytherin students did not sleep the night before their first exam which happened to be Charms. Rose, Mary and Isabel had stayed up late in their dorm, piled on Rose's bed as they quizzed each other on various charms and incantations.

Rose fell asleep around 4am and only dreamt of failing her exam because she had forgotten her name and did not know what to write on the examination paper.

That morning at breakfast was also a quiet affair as fifth and seventh year students had their Charms textbooks cracked open and did not tear their eyes away from the pages as they took small bites of food.

The exams were administered over the course of two weeks. The written exam was in the morning and the practical exam was in the afternoon. By the end of the second week, Rose was feeling extremely relieved as her last exam was History of Magic.

When the examiner told them that their time was up and it was time to turn in their papers, Rose was overwhelmed with a sense of relief. She exhaled as she felt Isabel pat her on the shoulder.

"We did it! Fifth year is done!" she beamed.

"Callaway told me that the seventh years are planning a party in the common room tomorrow night," said Mary. "Sort of a graduation or, end of the year party."

"Not another party," mumbled Rose. "Seems like trouble finds me at every party."

"Oh come on," said Isabel. "It's the end of the year. Surely you can let loose for one night. We're on our way to being sixth years!"

"Oh all right," agreed Rose.

In the corridor, she briefly locked eyes with Tom. He appeared unusually tense. She hadn't thought of him much over the past month due to her thoughts being consumed with her studies. To much avail, she was sure she managed to scrape up at least ten O.W.L.s. That would bode extremely well beginning her sixth year, to which she would have her choice in which classes to pick.

"Have you and Tom seen each other lately?" asked Mary quietly.

"Oh, um... no," Rose responded.

"Did something happen?" questioned Isabel curiously.

"We had a fight a couple weeks ago," said Rose. "Nothing worth rehashing, but I decided to channel my focus into the O.W.L.s instead of Riddle."

"Well," sighed Mary. "O.W.L.s are over now. It's the end of the year. Now is a better time than ever to make up with him."

"Yeah," agreed Isabel with a cheeky smile. "They say making up with your boyfriend is the best part about fighting with him."

Rose knew better than to believe making up with Tom would be anything but a pleasant experience. He was stubborn, as was she, which makes it nearly impossible for them to reach a civil compromise. Besides, Tom Riddle wasn't interested in compromise. He wanted what he wanted, when he wanted.

Tom Riddle's gang of loyal followers had stolen heaps of food and drinks from the kitchens the evening of the party. There was a peaceful solace that enveloped the room as fellow Slytherins ate, drank and reminisced on the year that was concluding.

Rose had taken a moment to reflect on her own year at Hogwarts as she sipped on a flask of Firewhiskey. She never would have guessed that day on the Hogwarts Express when Tom Riddle entered her compartment at the beginning of the year how captivated they would become with each other. She had grown from a timid, shy little girl to a confident woman who wasn't afraid to speak her mind, not just to Tom, but to anyone.

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