Part 3

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I am so incredibly thankful for all the support I've gotten on this story. I'm not going to lie, I almost gave up writing this halfway through, because I didn't think people were interested, but now I've gotten almost 9,000 reads and that is INCREDIBLE. I cannot thank you guys enough.

As for Rose and Tom, I wish more than anything I could write a happy ending for you guys, but as I wrote in the very beginning, we all know how Tom Riddle turns out, and AS MUCH AS I wanted to change him, I knew it just wasn't possible. Tom Riddle becomes Voldemort, we know this, and I like to keep things as canon as possible when I write fanfiction. For those of you who stuck through this story the whole way and have followed Rose and Tom since the beginning, THANK YOU! You have been my motivation throughout this entire series. I began writing this six months ago, and I've never had more motivation to finish a series and it's all thanks to your kind words and support. I have fallen in love with the idea of Rose and Tom, and I will forever hold them close to my heart. So again, thank you.

Anyway, enough of all this sappy sh*t. Lol, I give you... PART 3!

Part 3 will be a compilation of letters between Tom Riddle and Rose during her seventh year of Hogwarts and beyond. They kept in touch every month or so, until Tom's responses become more sparse and then cease completely, as he begins his hunt for his horcruxes. This will hopefully tie the whole story together (along with the epilogue).

Also, PAY EXTRA ATTENTION TO THE DATES ON THE LETTERS!!! I only say this, because it can cause confusion, plus I want you to have a good idea of how often they actually write to each other.

There WILL be an epilogue following this last part, which I will post tomorrow probably (1/23). I was going to wait and post, but I've completed the story, and I felt guilty making everyone wait. So without further ado, I give you... "Letters to Tom Riddle."

Much Love,


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