Chapter Ten - Palpable Energy

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Rose continued the day in a daze, and her thoughts continued to be consumed with Tom Riddle. She hadn't thought much about what Dumbledore said, mostly because she didn't want to believe it, but now it was coming to a whole new light.

Thankfully she was done with classes for the day after Ancient Runes and she headed off to the library to escape.

She sat down at an empty table near the back of the library. She pulled out her Divination textbook and started taking notes for their upcoming test.

"Hiding from me in the library now, are we?" spoke a familiar dark, brooding voice. Rose looked up and was face-to-face with none other than Tom Riddle.

"I'm not hiding from anyone," she challenged.

"Do not toy with me, Davies," he sneered as he pulled out the chair across from her and sat down. "I don't have the time or the patience to banter with you over these silly little mind games you like to play."

  Rose noticed he no longer was carrying a copy of Magick Moste Evile, and he had replaced with Secrets of the Darkest Art. He also had a black leather bound notebook that had no words on the cover. Her eyes flickered back up to Tom's, hoping he didn't notice her sneak a peek, but he did.

"You've got an interesting taste in literature, Riddle," she said, trying to get more insight out of him.

A devilish smirk played across his lips. "It is wise to study every aspect and realm of magic."

"Is that so?" inquired Rose. "You don't learn enough in Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

"That class hardly even skims the surface of Dark Magic," he spat, clearly annoyed. "Professor Dippet is a fool to think that class would be useful in the real world. If Grindlewald and his forces penetrated this castle at this very moment, nobody would stand a chance."

"Except for you, I presume."

Tom locked eyes with hers and studied her expression. She was curious to know more about him and he wanted to tell her. He wanted to make her a loyal follower and show her what the world could be like if it wasn't tarnished with mudbloods and muggles. He smirked at her before he spoke. He was hyper-aware of how his gaze affected her.

"You'd fair well," he said simply.

"If Grindlewald attacked the school?" she asked. "What makes you say that?"

"I know you're the top student in your year," he said as he leaned in closer. "Every teacher loves you, you have a tight-knit circle of friends who adore you, who would do anything for you. You have a family that loves and cares about you."

She noticed the hint of malice in his tone when he spoke the word "love."

"But for some reason," he continued. "You downplay all of that. You pretend to be average. You'd rather someone else outshine you while you hide in their shadow. You're hiding behind a mask and not unleashing your true potential."

Rose's eyes were now wide in fear. How could he possibly know all this information about her?

"Why?" Tom asked simply.

She looked down at her book to try and avoid his gaze. When she looked into his eyes, she felt as if he could suck out any information he wanted to.

"I don't know," she answered. "I guess I just... I don't – I don't want to be the person I am."

She looked back up at him to see his reaction. He looked annoyed.

"You turned down the position of Prefect," he stated. "Why?"

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