Chapter Twenty - The Diary

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The weeks drawled on and Rose had not made amends with her friends. She only spent time in the dormitory to sleep, and most of the time she made sure she went to bed late enough so she knew that Isabel and Mary would be sleeping and she awoke before they did. It hadn't been hard since she wasn't sleeping much anyway. However, it did give her plenty of time to keep up with her studies. She didn't find herself as stressed out as much as the other fifth years.

George Parkinson had been transferred from the Hospital Wing to St. Mungo's. He had still not awoken. Rose had heard from a couple of rumors that he was fine, but he may not ever return to school. Her heart sank and she hoped that wasn't the case. She felt somewhat responsible, even though it was all Tom Riddle's doing.

Her and Tom had continued to pretend they didn't associate with each other in public, but every time he demanded she follow him to the Room of Requirement, she did just that. This had only happened a couple of times since she told Tom that she wanted whatever part of him she could get.

Some people were suspicious of their relationship, for sure. Mary and Isabel for one did not believe for one second that there wasn't something going on between them. Riddle's whole gang definitely knew because they had ceased to pick on her. Druella Rosier still was not convinced that there was nothing going on, however it didn't stop her from trying to make moves on Tom. He, of course, brushed her off as he usually did.

Albus Dumbledore seemed to have eased his suspicions about their relationship. Seeing them together at the Quidditch match was not surprising due to the fact they're in the same house. But they no longer spoke to each other in the hallways for the sake of keeping their relationship private... if you could even call it that.

Rose had not had a vision since the Quidditch match. She even tried to. Sometimes she would lay in her bed, stare at the ceiling and completely empty her mind in hopes that something would happen. Alas, it never did. However she was thankful that Tom still couldn't read her mind.

The evening before the start of Christmas holiday, Rose sat in the Room of Requirement along with Tom. She was laid out on the long couch, which was facing the fireplace, and he sat in the armchair next to the couch. His hands were laced together and his elbows rested on his knees as he was slightly leaned forward, deep in thought. Rose was absentmindedly swirling ribbons of light with her wand.

"So you're staying at school for Christmas?" Rose asked, still twirling her wand.

Tom nodded but didn't say anything. He continued to stare into the fire.

"I feel like that'll be so lonely," she said quietly.

He smirked and turned to her. "I'm perfectly happy being on my own."

"What are you going to do?" she asked. Her thoughts wandering to his Horcruxes. She still didn't know what his Horcrux was, or if he made any more.

"I suppose I'll be continuing my studies," he answered vaguely. "Professor Slughorn has invited me for Christmas dinner with the rest of the teachers and students remaining at school."

"Are you planning on making any more of those... things?" she asked. He knew what she was referring to.

"It would be quite stupid to continue that conquest under all of the teacher's noses," she said snidely. "Wouldn't you agree?"

Her curiosity got the best of her as she continued to think about Tom and his damaged soul. She put her wand down and sat up straight.

"What is it, Tom?" she asked.

He raised an eyebrow. The flames from the fire cast a dark shadow on the left side of his face as he stared at her. "I'm afraid you'll need to provide further clarification, Davies."

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