Chapter Eight - Blinded by Love

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Rose's eyes flickered open. Her vision was blurry, but she could make out she was still in the Room of Requirement. She blinked repeatedly as she gazed towards the fire and saw Tom's blurry image standing beside it.

She attempted to move her limbs, but groaned in pain. Tom watched her as she attempted to rise to her feet. The shards of broken mirror had cut up her hands, knees, and face.

"Argh!" she cried out.

Tom slowly walked to her aid and offered her his hand to help stand up. She glowered at him.

"No thanks," she spat. He rolled his eyes.

"It won't do you any good holding a grudge," he replied sardonically. "You asked me to end it. I was only doing as you requested."

"You cursed me while my back was turned!" she spat as she pushed his hand away. "You cheated."

"You would have lost regardless," he snapped back at her. "Your dueling skills are amateur. Which proves my point that this school fails at teaching its students how to protect themselves in the real world. If I were Grindlewald, you'd be dead."

Rose was still enraged, however she couldn't muster the strength to fight with Tom any longer. She wasn't even sure why she chose to duel him in the first place, knowing she was going to lose. She was no match for the brilliant Head Boy. She sighed in defeat.

"You're right," she agreed, attempting to even her breathing.

Tom stared at her trying to comprehend her sudden surrender.

"Such a foolish reason to begin a duel with me," he spat. "Your emotions overcame you. You did not think before you acted. That is why you lost."

"I get it, Tom," she replied. "You won. At least win with dignity and drop it."

"I will not," he growled. "You are my follower, therefore I need you to be smart when you're dueling. You must never let your emotions take over you in the midst of a duel. You could have been killed. Take this as a valuable lesson."

Rose stood up on her own as Tom pointed his wand at her. She flinched, thinking he was going to hex her but relaxed as a warming sensation spread through her body. Tom had healed her wounds.

"Now," said Tom as he tucked his wand in his pocket. "Are you going to tell me why you all of a sudden have a change in personality? Perhaps tell me what has truly been bothering you."

"What are you –"?

"Do not toy with me," he grimaced. "Ever since we've returned to school you've been acting different. You're competitive, disobedient, avoidant, secretive... I know you're lying to me and if you do not tell me the truth, I will force it out of you."

Rose knew better than to retaliate, especially after losing the duel against him. His expression was cold and distant. She wanted to tell him the truth, in all honestly, but she was worried how he would interpret it. How was she supposed to tell him she had seen him grown, in a position of power, but yet not human? Would that solidify his destiny? If she kept it a secret, she was hopeful she'd still be able to save him...

However, looking at Tom now, she knew she wasn't going to be able to keep this a secret from him any longer. The truth needed to come out, unless she wanted the Cruciatus Curse used on her. She knew Tom was capable of hurting her to get what he wanted, and she didn't doubt for a second that he wouldn't.

"Fine," said Rose. "I'll tell you the truth."

Tom stared intently at her as she tried to think of the right words to begin.

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