Chapter Thirty - Intangible Future

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Rose had spent most of the morning with Tom inside the Room of Requirement. She had to admit, it was nice, just the two of them. She felt as if Tom might actually be opening up to her, emotionally. She could almost feel the barrier between them breaking down. She was feeling a slight sense of accomplishment and she lay draped across the couch, her head in Tom Riddle's lap. It was quite a sight to see, as it was probably the most affectionate moment Tom Riddle would ever share with another human again.

As peaceful as she was feeling in that moment, there was a nagging feeling in the back of her brain, trying to override her thoughts and tell her that this was an illusion. This moment was not meant to last forever. Tom Riddle was not changing, and deep down in her heart, she thought she knew that. But she did not want to think about it. She wanted to enjoy the special moment she was sharing with Tom. If anything, she would be able to look back on this and remember how happy she was. Even if it was only for a moment.

"You planning on wasting your entire day up here?" she asked him, absentmindedly tracing circles on the back of Tom's hand as he rested it on her stomach.

"I could ask the same to you," he said. He was much calmer now than he was when they first entered the room. Rose knew her presence acted as serotonin for Tom. She was his natural calming agent.

"Where do we go from here, Tom?" she asked quietly, still enjoying her moment of peace.

"You're going to need to specify, Davies," he quipped.

She sighed, hoping this wasn't going to lead to another fight. She remembered what she had wanted to ask him.

"Have you inquired about the Defense Against the Dark Arts position with Professor Dippet?" she asked, enjoying the feeling of his cold, smooth skin on her fingertips.

Tom's face fell, and he did not look pleased. Rose's heart dropped as she knew his response before he even said it.

"Dippet believes eighteen is too young to obtain the position," he deadpanned. "Which is a flat out lie, since we both know that you will be remaining at Hogwarts to teach."

"Student teach," she corrected.

"Whatever," he said dismissively, "the point is, you were right. Professor Dumbledore does not like me and he is the reason I will be unable to remain here. He suggested to apply again in a couple of years. Once I've gained some real world experience."

"How long have you known this?" she asked.

"Since the holidays," he responded, looking down at her. She gazed into his eyes and remembered the flat he owned in Diagon Alley. He wouldn't have bought it if he suspected he was going to stay at Hogwarts.

"So what will you do instead?"

"I've secured a position at Borgin and Burke's," he responded. "Mr. Burke is an acquaintance of mine. I wrote to him a few months ago and he offered me a position."

Rose knitted her eyebrows together in confusion, and as much as she didn't want to sit up, she did, and she turned to face Tom.

"Borgin and Burke's?" she questioned.

"Yes, that's what I said," he responded quite irritably. "Are you hard of hearing?"

"But – but why there?" she asked, completely baffled. "You're Tom Riddle!"

"Well spotted."

"No, you're the most brilliant student that Hogwarts has ever seen and you're going to just... throw away opportunities because you didn't get the job you wanted? Your talents will go to waste!"

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