Chapter One - O.W.L. Scores

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Although the tension between Rose and her family had eased since the revelation of her true identity, her brother was still hostile towards her over the fact that she had not ended things with Tom Riddle. The rumors going around the school about Rose and Tom had clearly gotten back to Edward. He was suspicious of Tom, but Rose had tried her best to avoid the subject of him around her brother and her parents.

"So what happened to you and that boy you were seeing last year?" asked Alan Davies one morning over family breakfast. "Thomas Little?"

Rose nearly choked on her cereal, surprised by such an intrusive question. Edward was hysterically laughing as milk spilled into Rose's lap.

"Dad," she muttered, taking a napkin to dab at the mess.

"What?" he asked. "It's just a question Rosie."

Rose tried to ignore him as she focused on getting the milk stain out of her skirt, however Edward did not let this opportunity pass up.

"Oh they're still together," said Edward. "Aren't you Rose? The whole school knows. They got caught snogging in the hallways one day before class."

Merlin, kill me now.

"Snogging?" asked Vivian, now with piqued interest. "Rose, I didn't realize things were this serious..."

"It's not," said Rose adamantly. She shot a death glare to Edward as he was still laughing. "And his name is Tom Riddle, dad."

"And he'll be a seventh year, this year?"

Rose could tell her dad was pretending to be curious, but could see the gears working in his head as he tried to figure out a way to get more information out of her.

"Yes," she replied. "But I promise, there's nothing to worry about. Tom and I have a complicated relationship."

"That's because he studies the Dark Arts," interjected Edward.

"Shut up, no he does not," Rose lied.

"Does too! Malcolm told me so."

"Malcolm is twelve!"


"I suppose Malcolm knows everything does he?" argued Rose. "Maybe he should be the Hogwarts Headmaster."

"His brother is the same year as Riddle and he knows!"

"Well Malcolm can be Headmaster and his brother can be Minister for Magic, don't you think?"

"Tom Riddle is evil!"

"I'm not arguing with a child," spat Rose before taking a sip of coffee.

"You're still a child until October!"

"Enough!" shouted Vivian out of frustration, rubbing her temples. "Can we please have one meal without the two of you arguing?"

"We sure can," chided Rose. "So long as we stray from the subject of my personal life."

"Your father and I are merely curious," said Vivian. "We worry about you. You've never had a boyfriend before so –

"I still don't have a boyfriend," said Rose, "can we please drop it?"

"Liar," mumbled Edward.

Rose balled up her napkin and chucked it at Edward's face.

"MUM!" he shouted.

"Please, just stop!" shouted Vivian. "Edward, stay out of your sister's business. Rose, leave your brother alone."

"Rose, just please tell us you're being safe," muttered Alan, still clearly unconvinced that Rose was not seeing Tom Riddle.

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