Chapter 52 | Pool

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**after therapy**

Sammy😊: bring a swimsuit

I smiled and put on my coral and white chevron bikini top with white bottoms. I put on a navy blue sundress over it with white flip flops and decided to walk to Sammy's.

When I got there, Sammy was already in the pool and his older sister let me in.

"Hi you must be Kat. I'm Emily!" She smiled.

She was gorgeous.

"Sammy's out back in the pool. He told me to tell you to just walk back there."

I smiled.

"Thank you."

I walked back through the backdoor and saw Sammy swimming with his little brother. He started shooting him with a water gun.

"Hi Sam!" I called. He turned around and looked at me and smiled.

"Hey Jake, why don't you go inside now? It's almost your bed time," Sammy said to his brother.

Jake grunted and ran inside. I laughed and slid off my dress. I looked over at Sam to see him staring at me

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," I laughed. Sammy blushed.

"Jump in!" He yelled.

I walked over to the diving board and did a back flip off of it.

"Wow impressive," he said. I smiled and flipped my hair.

After about an hour of talking and shooting each other with water guns, it started getting dark. The lights in the pool lit it up beautifully.

I looked at Sammy, and he looked at me. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever, and before I knew it our lips pecked.

Then pecked again.

Then again.

Then what started out as a peck, turned into a makeout.

"Kat?" Sammy asked.

"Yeah," I asked, biting my lip.

"Do you wanna go on a date tomorrow?" He asked. I blushed.

"Absolutely," I smiled.

"Great," he replied, looking down at my lips.

I smiled and pulled him closer to me, and we started kissing again.

I think I'm really starting to like Sammy.


This chapter is SUPER short, but it's really important.


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