Chapter 31 | Froyo

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**Hayes pov**

Did I really just break up with Kat? Oh god. I laid back on my bed and put my hands over my face. "Maybe," that one word kept on replaying in my head. I started to cry.

I laid there crying for about 10 minutes when I heard what sounded like rocks being thrown at my window. I looked outside to see Haylee. She was wearing a plain white shirt tucked into a black mini skirt and her hair was curled.

I ran downstairs and ran outside and she pulled me into a hug. I wiggled out of it. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, I saw Kat tweeted this," Haylee said, showing me her phone.

@HeyItsKat: Boys are so incredibly difficult. I'm 14, why do I have to go through this?

"And this..."

@HeyItsKat: thanks for breaking my heart </3

"Everything ok?" She asked. I shook my head and she hugged me. "Let's go get some froyo," she suggested. I nodded and we walked to the froyo shop that was around the corner.

We sat down and started eating it. "This is nice," I said. Haylee nodded. "I miss doing stuff like this with you," she said. I did too, but I wasn't gonna say that.

"You know how I moved to North Carolina because my dad got a job offer?" Haylee asked. I nodded. "Well, I was only okay with it because I was moving to your town." I sighed.

"Look Haylee, you cheated on me. We broke up, and you got a boyfriend that day. Don't act like this is my fault, or make me feel bad for breaking up with you. The fact that we're not together anymore, is 100% your fault."

Haylee started tearing up. "Do you think if I never cheated, we'd still be together?" She asked. I nodded but I wasn't so sure. I really love Kat. I miss her. Why did I dump her? I'm so stupid.

**Kats pov**

After I got done crying, I checked all my social medias. I decided to tweet a subtweet to Hayes.

@HeyItsKat: Boys are so incredibly difficult. I'm 14, why do I have to go through this?

People started retweeting and favoriting and replying. They were all freaking out. I tweeted again.

@HeyItsKat: thanks for breaking my heart </3

My Twitter started blowing up. I locked my phone and went downstairs to get a granola bar, but I saw a tub of ice cream sitting on the counter. I grinned and brought the tub up to my room.

I positioned my bean bag in front of my tv and sat down. I turned on Netflix and started watching a bunch of random movies. After about the third movie, I realized I had ate the whole tub of ice cream. I sighed and went downstairs to throw it away.

I came back in my room and checked instagram. I scrolled through my feed. "Ooh, Harry Styles posted," I mumbled while double tapping his picture. I saw a picture that Haylee posted with 2 cups of froyo. The caption was "let's hang out like this again soon😊" Aw, did she finally get a man? I feel bad for the poor kid.

I smiled and looked at who was tagged. Oh my gosh...


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