Chapter 38 | First Day

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Ugh. The first day of school. I have to see Hayes today, I have no choice. Yay me.

I got up and took a shower. When I got out I curled my hair. I put on some makeup and walked to my room. I put on a white sweater with a long necklace that had a cross charm and dark skinny jeans. I put on tan leather boots that went up to right below my knee.

After I was finished getting ready, I checked my phone. Hayes read the message I sent him last night but he didn't answer. I rolled my eyes, grabbed my backpack, and walked outside to my driveway because my bus picks me up in front of my house.

When I got on the bus, I went about midway to the back and sat down. Hayes was the stop right after me. He got on and I could see him looking in each seat for me. When he finally found me, he looked at me and his eyes were all red and puffy. I rolled my eyes and looked away, and he sighed and walked to the back of the bus.

I got off and walked into the school.

(a/n pretend they're freshmen)

I walked to the office to get my schedule. I saw an empty chair, so I sat down. Next to me was a boy with brown hair that was styled in a quiff.

(a/n ok so pretend this is sammy (sam wilkinson). sam isn't in my story, so I just felt like this worked out. pretend he's a freshman even tho he's like 18 okay)

"Hi, I'm Sammy," the boy said, sticking out his hand. I shook it and smiled. "I'm Kat!" I said, almost too energetically. Sam laughed.

"Sam Wilkinson, your schedule is ready," the lady at the desk said. He nodded and got up, grabbing his schedule.

"Well, he was a cutie," I mumbled to myself.

"Katherine Brooks, your schedule is ready." I smiled and got up and grabbed it. I walked to the gym because we were having an assembly before class started. I walked in and their were high schoolers everywhere.

"Oh god," I mumbled. I started walking around, trying to find Megan. When I bumped into Hayes. I looked up at him, and just stared at him for a second, then turned around and walked away. I walked over to the bleachers and couldn't find Megan, but I found Sammy sitting all by himself. I smiled and waved at him. He smiled and waved back, so I went up and sat beside him.

"Are you a freshman?" I asked him. He nodded. "You?" He asked. "Freshman," I replied. He smiled.

"What classes do you have?" I asked. He showed me his schedule. "Hey! We have lunch, math, science, and PE together!" I said. "Awesome!"

The assembly started, and they went over the rules and what not and then we went to our first class, homeroom.

I walked into homeroom and saw Megan. "Kat, I saved you a seat!" She called. I smiled and walked over and sat beside her.

"Show me your sched!" She said. I handed it to her. "Yay, we have all classes together except you go to choir when I have PE, and you go to PE when I have art." "Oh, and we don't have science or lit together," I added. Megan sighed.

"I wanted every class together like we had all of middle school," she said. I sighed and nodded. "Me too."

Our teacher, Mr Willett, walked in. He was also the science teacher, and boy oh boy was he fine.

"Good morning class!" He called. "Morning Mr Willett," all the girls cooed. All the boys looked at us like we were crazy and started laughing.

"Okay! So I'm a pretty chill teacher, but I have one rule. No. Bullying. I don't care about much else except that. If I see you bullying someone, you will be sent to the office and I won't be chill with you anymore. Most of the teachers make their students read in homeroom, but I don't care what you guys do as long as you don't get crazy. You guys can talk, text, go on the twitter, whatever."

The bell rang and it was time for me to go to math. A couple periods went by and it was time for lunch. Luckily, I don't have any classes with Hayes yet, but his locker is right across the hall from mine.

I walked into the cafeteria and saw Sammy sitting by himself. "Hey Sammy!" I called. He smiled. "Hey!" "You wanna come sit with my friends?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nah, I made some friends. Thanks though," he said smiling. I smiled back and nodded. I walked over and sat between Megan and Leila. Our circular table was full of all my friends from middle school. I missed them so much over the summer.

I heard loud boys coming from behind me, so I turned around and saw Hayes and his group of friends sitting two tables behind me...with Sammy. I sighed. Great. He's just like them.

After lunch, I had science. Yes with Mr Willett! I walked in and saw Sammy sitting in a chair. I walked over to the chair beside him. "Is this seat taken?" I asked. "By you," he said smiling. I smiled back and sat down.

I took out my phone and started scrolling through Twitter when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Kat."

I looked up and saw Hayes sitting in the seat in front of Sammy. I rolled my eyes and went back to Twitter. I got a text.

Hayes😒: hey u look pretty today

Kat😻: we broke up hayes, stop talking to me. ur an ass and u really hurt me

Hayes😒: I'm sorry Kat, I was drunk!

Kat😻: that's an excuse hayes. obviously u didn't care, because when I texted u and said were over, u didn't even reply so don't act sorry cause ur not

Hayes😒: I'm sorry...

I rolled my eyes and didn't answer. The period ended and it was time for gym (PE)... ew.

I grabbed my gym uniform and walked to gym. They were making us play volleyball today. I changed into my uniform and was put on a team with Sammy, and we were playing against Hayes. Haha. Great. I'm gonna kick his ass.

I smiled to myself and served the ball. The game went on the whole class, and my team won (obvi) 24-17.

"Good game," hayes said as I was walking back in the locker room to change.

"I know," I said, walking away. I changed and then I had choir. The last period of the day.

We went over rules and stuff and then the day was finally over. I got on the bus, and rode it home. When I got home, I got some pizza out of the fridge and went upstairs to watch Netflix until I fell asleep.

•••filler chapter, sorryyyy. the next chapter should be better though!

I hope you guys are liking this fanfic. if you have any ideas for this or whatever my kik is FutureMrsKMahone (lol don't judge me, I made it in 6th grade😂)

anyways thanks for 5k reads, ily guys!❤️•••

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