Chapter 40 | I'm So Sorry

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It's finally the weekend. "Thank god.." I mumbled to myself when I woke up and saw that it was 11 am, finally I get to sleep in.

I rolled out of bed, put my hair up in a messy bun, and walked downstairs. My mom was cooking pancakes and bacon and was singing Make You Feel My Love by Adele. Why is she so happy?

"Mom you okay?" I asked. She turned around with wide eyes and embraced me in a hug.

"Kat! I found this note your dad wrote me before the last time he left. She grabbed it off the counter and handed it to me.

Dear my beautiful wife,
I know this is gonna be hard for you. I just want you to know, that if I don't ever come home again, I want you to move on. Find another man. Of course he won't be as amazing and handsome as me, but find someone. The girls need a father figure in their life, and if I can no longer be that, I want you to find one. You need to be happy. Don't think about it hurting my feelings! I'll be watching you, smiling, with tears in my eyes. I love you so much Jen, and I want you to be happy. See you soon love.
With all the love I can give you,
Neal ❤️

I smiled with tears filling my eyes. "You're happy about this?" I asked. My mom nodded.

"It's great to know someone loves you. After you've been through so much with them, they still love you. Your dad and I broke up plenty of times before we got married. It was a rough road, but after the wedding, it's been nothing but happiness. Gosh, I miss that goofball," my mom said. She started crying and I pulled her into a hug.

Why did this make me think about Hayes? My parents started dating in high school, just like Hayes and me. I need to go apologize to him.

"Mom, I'll be back," I said, and ran outside. I turned towards Hayes house and saw him walking down the street. I ran towards him and jumped on him. I bent down and kissed him while he spun me around.

"I was gonna come apologize to you," Hayes said, putting me down. I nodded. "Me too."

"Kat I'm sor-"

"Let me start," I interrupted. Hayes nodded and we walked to his house and sat on his porch.

"Hayes, I'm so sorry. You were right when you said I was being a hypocrite. I can't believe I made you feel like this about Haylee. I love you so much, and I never want anything to break us up anymore."

"I was so wrong at that party. I knew Mason was your friend, it's just I don't even know what happened. I guess I was just jealous because you're beautiful, and every guy wants you. Out of all them, I can't believe you chose me."

"I love you Kat," he said, pulling me into a hug. "I love you Hayes," I said back.


*4 hours later*

Hayes😊💜: starbucks date?😍

Kat😻: of course, I'll be at your house in 10

I walked over to my closet and put on a white crop top that said Vans in black letters with black shorts. I slid on my black vans and put my hair up in a cute messy bun and I walked over to Hayes house.

I knocked on the door and he answered and pulled me into a hug.

"Let's go," he said. I smiled and nodded.

We ordered and sat at a table.

"Soo Kat, I need to ask you something," hayes said, looking at his hands.

"Yeah?" I asked, sipping my drink.

"Well, I leave for an event in Nashville on Monday, so in two days. I was wondering if you wanna come? We'll miss a week of school, but they give us our homework in advance and explain anything new to us."

I smiled. "Yes, of course I want to come!" Hayes smiled back at me.

"Let's get outta here, I gotta ask my mom," I said. Hayes nodded and we left.


"Mooooooom," I yelled when I got inside. She was sitting in the living room, watching tv.

"Can I go to an event in Nashville with Hayes next week?" I asked. My mom nodded.

"Yeah, I don't care. Be careful though babe," she replied. I squealed and hugged her. I texted Hayes that I can go and ran upstairs. I started packing my things and then I went to bed.

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