Chapter 39 | Hypocrite

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I woke up the next morning and got in the shower. I hopped out and straightened my hair. I put on a red, white, and blue flannel with a navy blue tanktop under it. I slid on some light blue skinny jeans and my white converse.

When I walked outside, Hayes was standing in my driveway.

"Hayes..?" I mumbled. He turned around and looked at me. He ran up and hugged me. I wiggled out of his hug and walked past him to the end of the driveway.

"Kat, listen," Hayes said. The bus pulled up and I got on. Hayes sat beside me but I just looked out the window until we got to school. I walked to the gym (that's where they're gonna go every morning before homeroom bc that's what my school does) and found Megan and sat beside her.

"Do you see that boy sitting beside Hayes?" Megan asked. "Yeah, that's Sammy," I said smiling. "You know him? He's a cutie," Megan replied. I nodded.

The day went on and it was long and boring. When we went to gym, we had to walk around the track. I started walking, when Hayes came up beside me.

"Can we talk?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"Look Kat, I was seriously so drunk. I don-"

"You embarrassed me Hayes. I am JUST FRIENDS with Mason. You know that. Everyone on the earth knows that. How could you kick me out of your party and tell me to go do the do with Mason? Because first off I'm not like that, and second off with Mason? No thanks. (although Mason seems pretty frackin cute considering he looks like jack dail ayyye) Did you know you texted me and said you beat Mason up? Why would you do that Hayes? Mason did nothing wrong."

Hayes sighed.


"I can't believe you told Mason not to talk to me anymore. Or you at least made him not want to talk to me."

"Can I just please tell you my side of the story?" Hayes asked. I nodded.



"Bruh, look at this pic Kat just posted of her and Mason," my friend Liam said, handing me his phone. I read the caption, which said "love this loser💙"

"Whatever they're just friends, it's no big deal," I said.

Liam laughed.

"She looks so happy. And they're hugging dude. He looks like he likes her. He probably does. Didn't they used to date? Sorry bro, but she might like him too. See the caption?" Liam said.

At this point I was all worked up. I was gonna go outside and find you and tell you what my friends were saying, but when I saw you with Mason, I just lost it.

I couldn't control my anger. I don't know how cheating came to my mind, but it just did. I was so mad at you, I didn't want to even look at you, so I told you to leave. Well, when you left, Mason didn't.

"Look man, I'm sorry you took this the wrong way. But, don't treat Kat like this, she did nothing wrong," Mason said.

I thought, of course he would stick up for you. I punched him in the face after that. I pushed him back, against the deck, and punched him in the face.


"Hayes..." I mumbled.

"I'm so sor-"

"Save your apologies Hayes. That made you sound terrible. You can't just jump to conclusions like that."

"What? Like you did with Haylee and me?" Hayes said.

"That's different."

"How Kat? How is this any different? You dated Mason, I dated Haylee. We both jumped to conclusions, and we've broken up both times because of it."

"You're right.." I sighed.

The gym teacher blew his whistle and we all ran back inside. I changed and went on with the day. Hayes was wrong, boy was he wrong. But, I'm being such a hypocrite right now.

I hate this. Why does it have to be so hard?

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