Chapter 6 | Cheater

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I woke up and texted Hayes. "We still goin today?" He replied back in about 5 minutes. "Yep, we can walk. I'll be at your house in a hour :)"

I smiled and hopped in the shower. I got out and blow dried and straightened my hair. I French braided the front back and put on a little bit of mascara. I put on white shorts and a pink and white chevron tanktop. I slid on my white converse and waited on my front porch for Hayes.

We left and started walking to the mall which was right down the street. We went straight to the Starbucks in the cafe court. I ordered a cotton candy frappe and Hayes ordered a vanilla bean frappe with caramel drizzle.

We sat down and started drinking our Starbucks. I was scrolling through twitter when I heard Hayes say, "Oh my god."

**Hayes pov**

I was enjoying my starbucks, when I heard a familiar laugh. I looked up and saw Haylee walking towards the cafe court, in a big group, and she was holding hands with a boy.

"HAYLEE!" I yelled. She looked over at me and her eyes went wide. She ran over to me. "Hayes, it's not what it looks like." "Oh, it's not? Cause it looks like you lied to me, saying you had cheer practice, and you're holding hands with a boy, when you have a boyfriend. Which in case you forgot, is me."

"You have no room to talk, you're here with Kat." "She's my best friend, I don't cheat on you with her, and I told you I was hanging out with her today." "I'm really sorry, Hayes," Haylee said, leaning in to kiss me.

I turned my head and stood up. "Let's go to some stores, Kat." I said. Kat nodded and we walked away.

"ARE YOU BREAKING UP WITH ME?" Haylee yelled. "I GUESS SO!" I yelled back and kept walking.

**Kat's pov**

How could she cheat on Hayes like that? I felt so bad for him. The whole time we were shopping, I could tell he was trying not to cry. "Hey!" I said, sounding almost too excited. "Let's go to the playground, just like old times!" "Okay!" Hayes said laughing.

We ran to the park, and I ran to the swings. "Push me!" I yelled. Hayes laughed and started pushing me on the swing.

About 10 minutes later we started walking in the woods. Hayes got on Instagram, and saw a picture of Haylee and the boy she was holding hands with, kissing. The caption was "Best Boyfriend Ever"

Hayes started crying. "I guess it's really over," he said, wiping his eyes. "Come here," I said, pulling him into a hug. I could feel his tears making my shirt wet.

"Can we go home?" He asked. I nodded. "Wanna come over?" Hayes asked. I laughed. "Of course."

We walked inside and up to Hayes room. "Hey, come in here," Nash called. We walked in and Nash and Kayla were cuddling on his bed, and Tyler and Cam were cuddling on Nash's bean bag.

"Why are you crying?" Nash asked. "Haylee and I broke up," Hayes replied. "Aw, I'm sorry man," Nash said.

"Hey come watch Netflix with us," Tyler said. "Yeah you guys can lay down on the floor," Kayla said. "Want to?" Hayes asked. I nodded and sat down.

Nash put on The Notebook because all of us girls wanted to watch it. I looked over and Cam was crying and Tyler was laughing at him and taking his picture for Snapchat. I giggled and looked up to Nash and Kayla who were both asleep.

I started getting really tired, and I started dozing off.

**Hayes pov**

Kat fell asleep with her head on my shoulder. I smiled. She was so adorable. I've liked her since we were little, but Haylee kinda got in the way.

I laid her head down on the pillow that Nash gave us and laid down beside her. Before I knew it, I was sound asleep.

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