Chapter 3 | Pay Attention to Me

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Why is Kat acting so weird? It's like she didn't miss me that much. I decided to talk to Bre.

"Haylee, I'll be back," I said, kissing her forehead. "BRE!" I yelled. "Heyy short stuff, what's up?" "Um, do you know what's wrong with Kat? She went home early, and like she slammed the door in my face, and she looked like she was crying." "Kat's crying?" I nodded. "I'll go over, and check with her, okay?" I nodded again and went back to Haylee.


Why would Kat be crying? I hope she's okay. I ran home as fast as I could, and I could hear her sobbing. "KAT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Room," she said back. I walked in to her, with her face buried in Megan's lap. "Hey Megan, not to be rude, but can you let Kat and me talk for a bit?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm gonna go home." I nodded.

"Kat, what the heck? Hayes thinks you hate him, and you never even missed him. You haven't stopped talking about him all summer, and he's finally here, and you ignore him. Why are you crying? Shouldn't you be happy?"

"How dare he turn this on me. He's been gone all summer, and along the way, he's made a new girlfriend, who he never once mentioned. And, he's finally home, and he'd rather hang out with someone he's seen every day than me. It hurts really bad, Bre. I feel like he doesn't even care, like he never even missed me," Kat replied, barley crying now. All of the sudden, Hayes barged into her room.


I was coming over to check up on Kat, and I overheard what she said. I felt so terrible, I didn't even realize what I was doing.

"Hayes," Kat whispered. "Oh no," Bre whispered back. "Did you hear?" Kat asked. I nodded. "I'm gonna go, and let you two talk," Breanne said backing out of the room.

"Kat, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I was making you feel like that. Tomorrow, you and me, movies," I said smiling. Kat smiled and hugged me. "Sounds great! I missed you so much," she said, still hugging me. "I missed you too, wanna come over?" I asked. "I'm gonna actually go to sleep," Kat answered. "See you tomorrow!" I yelled, walking out the door.


I smiled, tomorrow was going to be amazing, just like old times. I changed into a pair of athletic shorts and a plain purple tshirt and laid down. I plugged my phone in, and before I knew it, I was asleep

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