Chapter 33 | The Mall

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so I don't usually do these note things but I just wanted to say I added titles to the chapters bc I like the way that looks.

anyways continue reading : )


I woke up to see I had a text from Mason.

Mason☺️: Hey Kat, wanna go to the mall later?

I smiled and replied back.

"Yeah, I'm gonna shower. I'll text you when I'm out"

I locked my phone and hopped in the shower. When I got out, I blow dried and straightened my hair. I put on some mascara and walked over to my closet. I put on black leggings and a pink and white plaid flannel. I put on my white converse and texted Mason that I was ready.

Bre was downstairs eating cereal. "Hey Bre, can you drive me to the mall?"

"Oohh yeah, I could go for some new jeans!"

"No, I mean to meet up with Mason."

Bre sighed and nodded. "Text or call me when you want me to pick you." I nod and walk into the mall.


I walked in and saw Mason sitting in the food court. I walked over and sat in the seat in front of him. He smiled.

"I was just about to text you," He said. I smiled. "Can we get Starbucks?" I asked. He nodded and we went up to order.

"I'll have a vanilla bean frappe," I said, pulling my money out of my purse. "I'll pay," Mason insisted. I nod and back up. "I'll have a pumpkin spice latte," Mason ordered. I giggled. "What?" Mason asked. "You're so basic," I said in a preppy voice. Mason laughed and shrugged.

When we got our starbucks, we started walking around. I went into the usual stores; Pacsun, Hollister, Amerian Eagle, and Forever 21. Mason went into Lids, Champs, and American Eagle.

"Wanna go get some froyo?" Mason asked. I smiled and nodded. The frozen yogurt shop was right by the mall, so we walked over to get some.

We got ours and went to go to a table. We talked and laughed, and when I got up to throw my cup away, I tripped, but was caught.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, standing up. "It's cool, I'm glad you didn't fall," I heard the person say. I gasped and looked up to see Hayes. His eyes went wide.

"Oh hi," he said. I smiled a quick smile. "Hey."

"How are you?" He asked. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"You care?" I asked. He gave me a weird look and nodded. I rolled my eyes and walked back to my table with Mason. "I should go, thanks for the yogurt and Starbucks. Today was fun," I said. Mason nodded and embraced me in a hug. I smiled and walked outside. It was raining. Great.

I pulled out my phone and called Bre. "Hey, I'm outside the froyo shop by the mall, can you come and get me fast?" I asked. "Yep on my way."

I hung up and started scrolling through Twitter when I got a text.

Hayes😔💔: Good to see u again

I rolled my eyes and went back to Twitter. Bre finally pulled up after what seemed like forever and I hopped in the car.

"I saw Hayes in there," I said. Bre looked at me. "You okay?" I shook my head and felt a tear roll down my cheek. "I miss him," I mumbled.

I looked out my window and saw a truck coming straight towards me. "Oh my god, Bre!" I screamed. "What?" Bre asked. "LOOK OUT!" I yelled. Bre looked over and we both started screaming.

Next thing I knew, I saw my window burst into glass shards, I felt myself start to get dizzy, and everything went black.

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