Chapter 42 | The Song

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I woke up the next morning and hopped in the shower. We are leaving in 2 hours. I got out and blow dried and straightened my hair. I put on a Florida Gators sweatshirt and black leggings. I slid on my white converse and walked over to Hayes house with all of my suitcases.


When we got to the hotel, I ran straight to my room and Katie, Caroline, and Clarissa were all in there. I squealed.


"KAT!" We all ran into a huge group hug. Kayla and Tyler walked in and said hey and then Tyler left to go to her room with Cam.

"I want this bed!!" I yelled, jumping onto a bed. Kayla got the bed beside me and Katie, Clarissa, and Caroline were on the other side of the room.

"So how are you and Taylor?" I asked Clarissa. "We are great!! He's perfect."

"Awww," all the girls said at the same time. Clarissa rolled her eyes and looked at me.

"How are you and Hayes?" She asked. "Well we've had a lot of drama, but we're good now." She smiled.

"Wanna go talk to the boys?" Caroline asked. We all nodded and went to their door and knocked. Shawn answered, looking sad. We walked in and saw Hayes with his face buried in Nash's lap, and they were both crying.

"What's going on?" Kayla asked.

Hayes sat up and when he saw me he sat up and walked over to me, crying into my shoulder. I started rubbing his back.

"Wanna go talk?" I asked him. He nodded and we walked out into the hallway.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked.

"My dad just called and said my grandma had a heart attack, and she didn't make it. Sh-she d-died."

I pulled Hayes into a hug. "I'm so sorry," I whispered. His sobs started growing louder. I walked him back into his room and sat down on a chair. He sat on my lap, continuing to cry. (sorry but this is aww)

We stayed in their room for about 2 hours, and then it was time for bed since we had an event tomorrow.

Us girls went back to our room and I pulled out my laptop.

"What are you looking for?" Kayla asked.

"Okay, so last summer after Mason and I broke up, I really liked Hayes. Well, no one knows this but I wrote him a song. It's called If You Were Mine and I want too play it for him to cheer him up. All the girls said aw, and I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Can we hear it?" I nodded and pulled the video up on my laptop. I showed up on the screen, strumming my guitar and I started singing.


"That song is amazing!" Kayla said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"I'm gonna sing it for Hayes at the event tomorrow. I think it'll cheer him up," I said smiling.

"Awww," all the girls cooed. I blushed and laid down in my bed.

"Night girls," I said, turning off the light.



The next morning I woke up before everyone and got in the shower. When I got out I blow dried and curled my hair. I put on a bright coral tanktop with a big bow on the front and tucked it into white shorts. I put on tan sandals, and when everyone else was ready we left.


Hayes was sad in the limo, and kept his head on my shoulder the whole time. I texted shawn.

Kat😻: hey can I borrow ur guitar at the event? I have a surprise for hayes

Shawn😊: anything to cheer the poor kiddo up


We got introduced and everything and I walked up to Shawn and grabbed his guitar.

"How is everyone?" I asked. The crowd roared. I smiled.

All of the performers were sitting on the side of the stage. I smiled at Hayes.

"So I have a little surprise for Hayes. You're going through a lot right now, and I want to make you happy, so I'm going to sing you a little song. I wrote this song for you last summer, and I never told you about it because I didn't want to admit to liking you. Now that you're mine, I couldn't be happier. I love you. This song is called If You Were Mine."

I smiled and started strumming the guitar.


I'm just a girl

I am living my life, don't know what to expect and you stand there

With your beautiful eyes

Boy I'm trying to hide how I feel

It's not working too well for me

This is real

When you speak baby I can't breathe

If you were mine, all mine

Your love would make me shine

If you were mine

Oh, mmmm

I'd hold onto every day

Time would just fade away

Just for tonight

I'd be happy

If you were mine

I finished the song and the crowd started clapping and cheering. Hayes walked up to me, and pulled me into a hug.

"I wanna kiss you so much right now," he mumbled.

"Later babe," I said back, smirking. Mahogany started playing a song and some fans came up to slow dance with the boys, and I slow danced with Hayes.

"I love you so much, Kat. Thank you for this. Did you really write that for me?" Hayes asked.

I nodded.

"I love you too," I said back, resting my head on his. I gave him a quick peck and smiled. How did I land such an amazing boyfriend?

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