Chapter 34 | Not Again

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**Hayes pov**

I miss Kat so much. I should've never broke up with her. Why was she with Mason though? I guess she's moved on.

I got the froyo for Nash and me and walked back out to his car. "I saw Kat in there," I said. "You okay?" Nash asked. I shook my head and felt a tear roll down my cheek. "I miss her," I mumbled.

We got home and Cam, Kayla, and Tyler were freaking out.

"What's going on?" Nash asked. Kayla burst into tears and ran upstairs. I looked at Tyler and she started tearing up and followed Kayla. Cam ran over and hugged me. "What the hell is going on?" Nash asked again.

"We need to go to the hospital," Chad said. "What?" I asked. My mom grabbed my arm and pulled me out to the garage. What the heck?

Everyone piled into the car, and we started driving off. "Okay, I'm gonna ask one more time, what is hap-"

"Bre and Kat got into a serious car wreck, and they're both hurt really bad. Kat is banged up worse than she was when she was hit by that car," Chad said.

I screamed. Oh no. Not again.

When we got to the hospital, I ran inside and ran straight up to the front desk. "Kat" I huffed. Jenny came up behind me.

"She can't have visitors right now, Hayes," she said. I looked into her eyes and you could tell she's been crying. I pulled her into a hug and started crying into her shoulder.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I asked. "I don't know baby," she whispered. I started crying even harder, not letting go of her.

"Is Bre?" Nash asked. Jenny nodded. "Bre should be fine, but she has amnesia, but it should only last maybe 12-24 hours."

(Whoa 5sos moment, am I right ladies?)

Nash started crying, and Kayla embraced him in a hug. "Can we see Bre?" I asked. Jenny nodded and walked all of us to Bre's room.

She was hooked up to 4 machines, and she had cuts and bruises all over her face and arms. She had a head wrap on, but she was breathing fine.

"Have you talked to her?" I asked. Jenny nodded.

"She remembers me, and she remembers Kat, but nothing else."

I sighed. How could this happen? I wanna see Kat.

"How come we can't see Kat?" Tyler asked.

"She is having work and tests done on her. They're not sure if she's gonna make it because when she was hit by that car, it messed up her head pretty bad, and so did this. This wreck messed her up really bad."

I groaned. "I wanna go home," I said. Everyone agreed and we all went home.

If Kat dies, she's gonna die hating my guts. I can't live like this. I need to see her tomorrow, I don't care what it takes.


The next morning, I woke up and walked downstairs. I tossed and turned all night and got absolutely no sleep.

"Guess what," my mom said.

"Huh?" I groaned.

"We can go see Kat today."

"Let's go!" I yelled. I ran upstairs and changed into khaki pants and a magcon sweatshirt. I slid on my vans and ran room to room waking everyone up.


When we got to the hospital, I ran straight to Kat's room and barged in. "Hi Hayes," her mom said. I smiled and looked at Kat, which made my smile fade.

"Kat..." I whispered. She had cuts and bruises all over her. She had a head wrap on with blood stains on it. She was pale as a ghost and was hooked up to so many machines. She looked...dead.

"Is Bre remembering yet?" I asked. Jenny nodded. I ran out of Kat's room and into Bre's room. She was awake and watching tv.

"Hi Hayes," Bre said.

"How could you Bre? How could you not pay attention and wreck? How could you hurt Kat like this? She might die. This is all your fucking fault. All of it. Don't think for a second that it's gonna be okay because it's not."


"No, shutup. You should be the one in worse condition because you're the one who wrecked the car. I hope you feel like shit, Bre. I hate you so much."

I ran out of the room before she could even think to reply. I ran back into Kat's room. Everyone was just standing there, staring at her.

"GET OUT!" I yelled.

"," Nash said.

"I'm not leaving her," Kayla said.

"GET THE HELL OUT!" I yelled again. Everyone left and I started crying. I shut the door and walked in front of Kat's bed.

"How could you leave me like this? Please don't go. God, I'm so stupid. How could I break up with you? I hate myself so much. You're so beautiful. I hate Haylee. Last night I texted her and went off on her and told her to screw off. I did this because she sent me a text that said 'haha she's gone I hope.'
She's such a bitch. God. How could I do this to you. I love you so much Kat."

I walked over beside her and scooted her over a little bit. I crawled in the bed with her and laid my head on her chest. "I love you," I whispered and with that, I fell asleep.

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