Chapter 47 | I Liked It

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School was boring, the usual.

After my last class, I packed up my backpack and walked over to Sammy's locker. Meredith was standing next to his locker, and they were talking. She was twisting her hair, and being all flirty.

Meredith Roby. The school's queen bee... or should I say queen bitch. I rolled my eyes and walked outside. I pulled out my phone and texted Sammy.

Kat😻: hey I'm waiting outside

After about 5 minutes, he finally came outside.

"Let's go," he said.

"Took ya long enough," I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Sorry, I was talking to Meredith." His face lit up when he said her name.

"No way!" I yelled.

"What? She's cool," he defended.

"You like her!" I yelled.

His face for bright red.

"No I don't!"

"Yes you do!! Sammy and Meredith sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Meredith in a baby carriage. That's not all, that's not all, here comes Sammy drinking alcohol."

Sammy shoved me. I started laughing.

"Don't tell anyone ok? I don't actually like her. She's just pretty. I mean if we talk more, maybe I'd like her."

I smiled but on the inside I was disgusted. Meredith has dated so many guys, well at least she's made out and done the do with so many guys. She's such a slut, and she gets what she wants. Everyone worships her except me. Even Megan and my friends love her, and think she's great. Meredith and Hayes used to date. They dated all of middle school and broke up this summer, and then next thing I know, he's dating Haylee. I guess Haylee was a rebound. Hahahaha. Meredith never got in the way of our friendship though. She never talked to me. I guess she though I was competition, but haha jokes on you bitch, he loves me, not you.


"Thanks for studying with me," I said, embracing Sammy in a hug.

"Yeah, we should hang out sometime again," he said. I nodded and left.

I ran home because it was getting dark and hella creepy.


"WOOOOO!" I yelled, running up to Sam and jumping on his back.

"What the heck?" He said. I jumped off and he laughed when he saw me.

"I GOT AN A ON MY ALGEBRA TEST SAMUEL!" I said, hugging him.

I started doing a funny dance. Sammy just laughed and started cheering.

"Wanna celebrate? Tonight after school, you can come over and we can play board games and watch movies," Sammy said.

"Sounds fun! I'll come over at 5?" I said. Sammy nodded and I jogged away to my bus.


When I got home, I changed into leggings and a red and black flannel. I put my hair back in a french braid, and walked over to Sammy's house since he didn't live that far away.

When I got there, I knocked on the door and Sammy answered with a big smile on his face.

"Right on time Katherine Renae."

I smiled and followed him up to his room. (ooh)

"Wanna watch a scary movie?" He asked. I nodded but I was worried.

"I'm super jumpy," I warned. Sam laughed.

"It's okay," he assured.

We put in Evil Dead and sat on a couch he had in his room. Ok. Cool.

There was a loud bang on the movie and I jumped right into Sammy's arms. I looked up at him and stared into his big brown eyes. I got lost in them, and before I knew it, out lips were pressed together. I pulled away and bit my lip.

Sammy put his hand on my cheek and slowly pulled my in to his lips again. Our lips moved in sync with each other. And I pulled away again.

"I can't do this, I'm so sorry," I said, running out of his room.

"Kat, wait!" He yelled.

I ignored it and ran outside.

I ran all the way home.

When I got home, I ran upstairs to my room and shut my door. I buried my face in my pillow and screamed, which turned into crying. How could I do this? I just kissed Sammy, and I'm dating Hayes.

The worst part is...

I liked it.

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