Chapter 41 | #Maylee

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I woke up the next morning and saw a text from Kayla. It was a group chat with her and Tyler.

Kayla💘: hey kat! me and tyler are going shopping to get some new clothes for the event this week. you wanna come?

I replied back that I would be over in a little bit. I got of bed and I put my hair in a side braid and put on a mint green sweatshirt that said Davidson Day on it and white shorts. I slid on my white converse and walked over to get Kayla and Tyler.


When I got back from shopping, I decided to make a haul video for YouTube since I haven't posted a video in so long.

I set up my lights that Nash let me have because he got new ones, and my camera. I sat on my bed and pressed record.

"Hey beautiful people of the Internet, it's Kat and I am here with a brand new video. Sooooo today I went shopping with Kayla and Tyler, because I'm going to the Nashville event and I got a lot of stuff. Anyways let's get started!"

**Kat shows everything she got**

"Alrighty, so that is the end of this video. I'll try to post my next video sooner than I posted this one. Thank you guys so much for watching. Love you!"

**blows kiss and puts hand over lens**

I stopped recording and started editing it. It took about 30 minutes to edit, then I posted it.

@HeyItsKat: Just posted a new YouTube video for the first time in forever! tweet me what you think :) #KatsNewVideo

I started following people who tweeted the hashtag. When I came across a very rude tweet.

@geekygrier: Hahah you're so ugly it's funny. I can't believe hayes is even dating you😂 he can do sooo much better

I rolled my eyes and replied back.

@HeyItsKat: @geekygrier love my fans❤️

I sighed. I'm trying to act strong, but people don't know how much their words can really hurt. I went onto instagram and saw Mason posted a picture of him and... Haylee.

The caption was "loved seeing you tonight😊❤️"

I decided to text Mason.

Kat😻: you and haylee?

Mason☺️: I thought I told u it's not a good idea to text me...

Kat😻: it's okay, hayes and I are good

Mason☺️: oh that's good. and yeah we met at the movies yesterday and we hung out today. she's really chill. I know u hate her but she's cool kat, I think I might like her

I rolled my eyes and didn't answer.

**Hayes pov**

I saw Kat tweeted about a video. I smiled and watched it. She is so beautiful. She put a bloopers section at the end and it was so adorable.

I went back on Twitter and saw what she tweeted back to a hater. I decided to reply to the person too.

@HayesGrier: @geekygrier you aren't a true fan. if you're a fan of me, you need to accept my girlfriend.

I blocked her and went on to instagram. I saw Haylee posted a picture of her and... Mason.

The caption was "had so much fun tonight, let's hang out again soon😊💗"

I decided to text Haylee.

Hayes💔: so are u and mason a thing now?

Haylee😒: not really we just hung out, but I really like him. why do u care? u don't like me anyways

I rolled my eyes and didn't answer. I texted Kat about it.

Hayes😊💜: hey princess👑❤️ did u see the pic of haylee and mason😂😂

Kat😻: yes😂 I feel bad for mason

Hayes😊💜: SAME! except I don't like mason soo I feel bad for both of them. oh well they can be #Maylee😂

Kat😻: hahah I'm gonna go to bed. see u tomorrow, love u babe😘💜

Hayes😊💜: love you too, be there at 10 am ugh

I smiled and plugged my phone in. I changed into sweatpants and a tshirt and crawled into bed and fell asleep.

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