Chapter 37 | We're over.

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***okay so I realized I said hayes was gone all summer and stuff so why aren't they in school? I'm gonna say hayes came back a month before school started okayyy***

School starts tomorrow and I'm so not ready. I seriously hate school so much. Why do we have to wake up so early and then stay all day? Then the teachers give us homework like what's the point in that? I'm really gonna miss summer.

I still felt gross after swimming yesterday, so when I woke up I took an actual shower. I got out and saw I had a text from Hayes.

Hayes😊💜: end of summer party at my house tonight! it's from 6-11 but you can stay till whenever😏 be there or be square. ily babe😘

I smiled and texted him back saying I'd be there. Then I got a text from Megan.

Megan💘: are u goin to hayes party?

Kat😻: obvi, you're goin right?

Megan💘: yep, can I get ready at your house?

Kat😻: of course, come over whenever

I locked my phone and started blow drying my hair. After I was done, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I walked downstairs and made a bowl of cereal. I finished about halfway through it and the doorbell rang. I walked to the door and Megan was standing there.

"Hey ugly," I said, walking back into the kitchen. "Sup bitch," she said in return, closing the front door and joining me in the kitchen.

"You look hot in those sweatpants," Megan said. I laughed and nodded in agreement. I finished my cereal and walked up to my room with Megan. I plugged my curling iron in and walked over to pick something out to wear.

I put on a black tight crop top with white sunflowers on it and white shorts. I walked over to my curling iron and started curling my hair.

"You can pick something out," I said to Megan, pointing to my closet. She walked over and picked out a navy blue loose crop top with coral shorts and white vans.

I finished my hair, and tied a white bandana in it like a headband. I slid on my white converse and we both left for Hayes house.

It was 6:30 so we were a little late.

Hayes walked up to me, he smelled like alcohol. I'm guessing his parents aren't home.

"You look so hot babe," he slurred.

"Thanks," I said smiling.

"Wanna go to my room?" He asked, lifting up my shirt. I slapped his hand.

"Hayes!" I yelled. He laughed.

"I'm just kidding, let's go say hey to people," he said. I nodded and grabbed his hand.

"Well, if it isn't Kayes," my friend Leila said, hugging me. I hugged her back.

"I haven't seen you all summer!" I said. "I know, selfie?" She asked. I nodded and we took a picture. "Love you!" I yelled, as I walked away.

Then we walked over to Hayes group of friends. They're all so attractive, but they're such douche bags. They all pretty much have girlfriends, but they only ones who can keep a girl are Hayes and a boy named Chris who has been dating his girlfriend since sixth grade, her name is Brooke.

"Hey where's Brooke?" I asked Chris. "Her mom doesn't want her partying since the first day of school is tomorrow," he said. I nodded.

I looked over and saw Mason walk in. "I'll be right back," I said to Hayes. He nodded and I walked over to Mason, and embraced him in a hug.

"You look pretty tonight," Mason said. I smiled. "Thank you!"

"Wanna get a picture?" I asked. He nodded. I tapped a random guy on the shoulder.

"Hey, will you take our picture?" I asked him. He nodded. I hugged Mason, and he put his arm around me.

I smiled when I saw it. "I'm posting this!" I said. Mason laughed. "Send that to me," he said. I nodded and sent it to him, then posted it with the caption "love this loser💙"

"Wanna go outside, it's kinda loud in here?" I asked. Mason nodded and we went out back where people were jumping into the pool, and being crazy.

We sat down at a table that was set up outside. We started talking when all of the sudden, Hayes ran outside, and slammed his hands down on the table.

"What's this about?" Hayes asked, shoving his phone in my face.

"I can't see it Hayes, hold still," I said. I looked at it and it was the picture I posted of Mason and me.

"It's just a picture Hayes," I said. "Looks like you're enjoying yourself. Why are you two out here anyway? You cheating on me Kat?" Hayes yelled.

"No, hayes. I would never. Mason is just my friend."

"Then why are you with him and not me, your boyfriend?"

"Because it was loud in there, and you were with your douchebag friends. Why can't I talk to my friend?" I asked.

Hayes groaned really loud.

"Whatever Kat, you know what? Go home. Yeah. Go home and frickle frackle with Mason. Screw you Kat Brooks!" Hayes yelled, running inside

I started tearing up. "Kat, he's drunk, he didn't mean that," Nash said running over to me. He pulled me into a hug, but I wiggled out of it and ran inside to find Megan.

"Megan, I'm going home, you can stay or come back with me," I said. "I'll be over in an hour," she said. I nodded and ran home. How could Hayes say that to me? He knows I don't like Mason that way. I just forgave him for the first thing he said to me, and now he's just gonna go and do this. What an ass.

I ran upstairs and laid down on my bed when I got a text. I looked down and gasped.

Hayes😊💜: just beat the crap out of your bae. not even sorry

"Oh my god," I mumbled to myself.

I hurried up and texted Mason.


Mason☺️: no I'm not okay but I'll be fine. just don't bother talking to me anymore ok? it's for your safety. don't text me back. I walked home, so I'm ok. bye kat

I dropped my phone and started crying. I curled up under my blankets and just let all my tears out. After about an hour, I decided to text Hayes.

Kat😻: we're over.

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