Chapter 15 | The Letter

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It's been a month since my dad left and went back to the military. Nothing has changed. Hayes went back on tour, but he just came back yesterday.

I woke up to the sound of people crying. What's going on? I got up and went downstairs. I see my mom, Bre, the Griers, Kayla, and Tyler all standing around the kitchen. Bre has her face buried in my mom's shoulder, bawling her eyes out. My mom isn't crying, just staring off into space. Chad is just looking down with tears coming off his face every once in a while. Elizabeth and Skylynn are both crying. Hayes has his face buried in his hands, and Nash is sitting on the ground with his face buried in his knees. Kayla is rubbing Nash's back with tears in her eyes and Cam and Tyler are standing aside, looking like they're in utter shock.

"What's going on?" I asked. Everyone looked up at me. My mom handed me a note that was on the table. I grabbed it from her shaking hands.

To whomever it may concern:

We regret to inform you that Neal Brooks died on September 25th, 2014. He was in one of our trucks and it ran over a grenade. We're so sorry for your loss, and you are in our prayers. We're sending him to North Carolina for a proper funeral. Again, we are truly sorry for your loss.


My jaw dropped and I dropped to my knees. Please tell me this a dream. This can't be happening. I ran up to my room, slammed the door, and locked it. I started screaming.

I ran around my room and threw my stuff everywhere. I threw my blankets around my room, threw the picture of me and him across my room, I went to the chest at the end of my bed and pulled out the scrapbook we made together before he left. I looked through it, and almost threw it till a piece of glass from the picture frame that I threw caught my eye.

I put the scrapbook back in the chest and walked over to it. I picked up the piece of glass and went to my bathroom and shut the door. I looked in the mirror. My eyes were all red and puffy.

I gripped the piece of glass and placed it against my wrist. Don't do it Kat. You shouldn't do it. I shook my head and took it off my wrist.

I looked over and saw a picture of my dad and me that I had in my bathroom. I started crying and I put the blade on my wrist. Before I could start to cut, Hayes barged into the bathroom.

"KAT STOP!" I jumped and the blade scraped me. I started screaming. It hurt so bad. I dropped to the ground, crawled to the corner, and hugged my knees to my chest.

My wrist was gushing blood. Hayes walked over to me with a wrap, and wrapped it around my wrist. He put his arm around me and I cuddled into him. I was shaking and I started crying into his chest. "It's gonna be okay, Kat, it's gonna be okay," Hayes whispered.

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