Chapter 46 | Ugh. School.

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"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" (that's supposed to be an alarm clock okok)

Ugh. School.

I got out of bed and hopped in the shower. Today was going to be so boring without Hayes there. When I got out I blow dried my hair and put it up in a sock bun and did my makeup. I put on a tan sweater with a white infinity scarf, light blue skinny jeans, and tan combat boots. I walked over to my jewelry box and put on pearl earrings. I grabbed my backpack and walked outside.

I looked down to Hayes house, and saw no one there. I wanted to cry, but I tried my hardest not to.


I walked into the gym and saw Megan, Leila, Annabelle, and Ally sitting in the bleachers.

(guys these are her friends okok)

I smiled and sat down next to Megan. "Heeeey, we missed you last week," Megan said, pulling me into a side hug. I smiled.

"I missed you guys too."


"You guys are going to be jogging or walking around the track until the end of class!!" The gym teacher yelled. I sighed. We had 20 minutes left of class. Ugh.

I was walking outside and I felt someone grab my elbow. I got a rush of excitement. Maybe it's Hayes. I turned around and saw....


"Oh hey Sam," I said.

"Hey! I missed you and Hayes last week. Now I'm gonna miss him for a month."

I nodded.

"I miss him too," I said.

"So have you made any new friends?" I asked, suddenly regretting it because if he didn't, this would be awkward.

"Yeah, a lot actually! Umm John, Marcus, Shawn (mendes? no. ok.), Lucas, and Hayes. I made all of those others when Hayes wasn't here. And I'm friends with all of Hayes friends too. (oh the douchebags k den.)

The teacher blew her whistle and we all jogged back inside.

"Hey Sammy," I said, catching up to him in the hall at the end of the day.


"Here," I said, handing him a piece of paper.

"What's this?"

"My number, you're good algebra right?"

He smiled.

"I mean, I get A's and stuff," he said flipping his hair.

I laughed.

"Great! Wanna meet up sometime this week and study for the test on Friday? I usually study with Hayes but yanno,"

Sammy nodded.

"Awesome, text me. Bye Sammy!" I said, walking away.


I got home and laid back on my bed. I decided to get my homework over with. When I finally finished, I decided to facetime Hayes.

He picked up after a few rings.

Hayes: Hey beautiful
Kat: Sup handsome
Hayes: I miss you like crazy
Kat: Me too. It was so weird not seeing you at school today.

Nash walked in.

"Hayes, we have to go to the restaurant now," Nash said. Hayes nodded.

"I gotta go Kat, text me. Love you princess."

He blew a kiss and ended the FaceTime call. My phone went off, but it wasn't a text from Hayes, it was a text from Sammy.

(^no that's not gonna be his contact name, but it should be. am I right ladies?)

Sammy😊: I'm free tomorrow
Kat😻: okay, wanna meet after school at starbucks?
Sammy😊: sounds good!

I plugged my phone in and changed into comfortable clothes. I put my hair up in a messy bun and started on my homework.

After I finished I went downstairs. My mom was cooking dinner.

"Hi honey," she said.

I rolled my eyes and walked past her to grab a water bottle.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked.

"I'm just mad you wouldn't let me go with Hayes."

"I'm sorry, I just thought it was for the best. You can go next time."

I nodded.

"It's okay." I said, pulling her into a hug.

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