Chapter 7 | The Impact

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**Kats pov**

I woke up, laying on Nash's bedroom floor. I sat up, and realized I was alone. I got up, and went downstairs. Everyone was downstairs eating breakfast.

"Morning sunshine," Hayes said. I smiled a little and laughed. Elizabeth (Hayes mom) stood up and walked over to me. "Hey girl, we didn't talk much before, how are you? I've missed you so much sweetheart," she said.

I hugged her really hard. "I'm great, thanks!" I let go, and grabbed a plate. I put bacon and pancakes on it, things were just like old times.

**Hayes pov**

I really wanted to do something with Kat today, I missed her so much. "Hey Kat, what do ya say we go to the fair?"

She nodded and smiled. "Umm we wanna go," Nash said. "Yeah!" Cameron said too. "Umm k," I said standing up. "I'll drive!" Cam said. Everyone nodded.

**Kats pov**

"Us girls need to get ready," Tyler said. I nodded. "I'll come over when I'm ready," I said walking out the door. I ran home, ran inside, and hopped in the shower.

I got out and blow dried and curled my hair. I put on a little bit of mascara and brushed my teeth. I put on a black tank crop top with a pocket and white shorts. I slid on my white converse and ran out the door.

Everyone was waiting in Elizabeth's van. Cam and Tyler were in the front, and Kayla and Nash were in the back. I slid in the middle row with Hayes. "Took ya long enough," he said. I blushed and shrugged.

When we got to the fair, I pulled out my money and got out $5 for a bracelet. Hayes smacked my hand. "I got this one, babe." I blushed and laughed.

Everyone paid and I ran with Hayes to the Ferris wheel. "Let's goooo," I said excitedly. Hayes laughed and we got in line. We rode it, and got off. Afterwards, we rode a few more things, got some food, and looked for everyone else.

"My feet huuuuurt," I whined. Hayes laughed. "Get on my back," Hayes said. I giggled and hopped on. We found everyone else and went home. I hugged Hayes and went into my house.

"Hi honey," my mom called. "Hi mom," I said running upstairs. I went to Bre's room and told her everything. "Aw, fun" she said laughing. I nodded and went to my room. Hayes texted me "Hey come outside." I rolled my eyes, it was like 8:00 at night and dark.

I ran outside and ran to Hayes house. "Let's play tag," he said laughing. "Ha, you're it!" I yelled, like a little kid. Hayes laughed and chased me into the street. I started laughing and just stood there.

"KAT LOOK OUT!" Hayes yelled. I turned around, and felt a huge impact. Everything went black.

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