Chapter 28 | Haylee

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Haylee looked and me and smirked. "We need to have a little talk," I said, grabbing her arm and pulling her outside. She started laughing.

"What the heck is your problem?" I yelled as soon as we got outside. "My problem? My problem is that you stole Hayes from me!" "I didn't steal him! You cheated on him. Don't act like you love him because you broke his heart, and if you really cared, you wouldn't do that!" People started to stare.

"I do love him..." She mumbled. "No you don't!" (Hayes walks outside and sees this right now, but Kat and Haylee don't know he's watching.)

"And what's with you harassing me? Why are you texting me all these things?" Haylee looked down. "And why did you freaking kiss Hayes!! He's not your boyfriend, Haylee! He's moved on! Quit going from boy to boy, like a slut!"

I could see the tears start to fill Haylee's eyes...but did I feel bad? Nope. "When are you gonna learn to stop Haylee? Being mad is one thing. But to go and harass me and kiss Hayes while I'm not there and to threaten me is another thing and totally not okay. Hayes doesn't need you. I don't need you. So why don't you leave and get the hell out of our lives?" Haylee's jaw dropped and she ran inside.

Hayes ran over to me. "What the hell Kat?" I raised my eyebrows. "What?" I asked. "Why would you say that? That was going too far." He said. " don't understand. She's been harassing me and threatening me." Hayes shook his head. "I think you should just go back to the hotel Kat. We can talk later," hayes said, walking back inside.

I started crying and I called Bart. "Can you come pick me up please?" I asked. "Yeah sure, everything ok?" "Yeah," I lied. "Be there in 5," he said, hanging up.

I stood at the edge of the parking lot and waited for Bart. He finally came after what seemed like forever and I hopped in the front seat and he drove me back to the hotel.

**Hayes pov** (after Kat starts running towards Haylee)

Why did Kat just take Haylee outside? I hope everything is ok. Oh no. What if she's gonna yell at her about the kiss? I know I'm pretty pissed at Haylee right now, but I don't think this is necessary.

I ran outside to see Kat screaming at Haylee. "I didn't steal him! You cheated on him. Don't act like you love him because you broke his heart, and if you really cared, you wouldn't do that!" "I do love him..." Haylee mumbled.

She does? Still? Why? She's the one who cheated on me.

"When are you gonna learn to stop Haylee? Being mad is one thing. But to go and harass me and kiss Hayes while I'm not there and to threaten me is another thing and totally not okay. Hayes doesn't need you. I don't need you. So why don't you leave and get the hell out of our lives?" I heard Kat yell. Okay, now she's gone too far. Just because Haylee cheated on me and broke my heart, doesn't mean I don't still care about her. She was the first girl, besides Kat who I actually loved.

Kat was my first. She was my first everything. Love. Kiss. Hand hold. Maybe someday my first person to do the do with. (whoa)

Haylee ran past me and straight inside, crying. I ran over to Kat.

"What the hell Kat?" I yelled as soon as I got to her. "What?" She asked. "Why would you say that? That was going too far." I said. " don't understand. She's been harassing me and threatening me." "I think you should just go back to the hotel Kat. We can talk later," I said, walking back inside. I gotta find Haylee.

I started walking around and I saw Tyler. "Hey, did you see Haylee run in here?" I asked. "Yeah she ran straight out back. I think she's on the beach," Tyler said. "Thanks!" I yelled, running outside.

Haylee was sitting in the sand by the ocean, hugging her knees. I could hear her crying. I ran up to her and sat beside her.

"What do you want? You don't care about me," she said. "Haylee, I do care. I really do." She shook her head. "You have a funny way of showing it, Grier," she replied, laughing a little.

Grier. That's what Kat calls me sometimes. I sighed.

"Look, Kat didn't mean what she said. She was just mad because you kissed me. Which by the way, I have a girlfriend. You can't just randomly kiss me like that. We aren't dating anymore." Haylee nodded. "Sorry Hayes, I just miss you," she said, starting to cry again. I didn't know what to do. I miss her too. But, I really love Kat, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

I sighed and put my arm around Haylee, and she laid her head on my shoulder. Not anything fishy. Just friends.

"So have you been harassing Kat?" I asked. Haylee nodded slowly. "Haylee, that's messed up!! How could you do that?" I yelled. "Sorry Hayes, I just hate Kat. She took you away from me. I want you back!" "No. You know what? You're insane! In case you forgot, YOU cheated on ME, not the other way around."

Just as I was about to push her away, I heard a camera click and saw a flash. I jumped up and saw people from a magazine, taking our picture. Oh no. I had my arm around Haylee...Kat is gonna see this and flip out! I ran away from Haylee and straight inside.

**Kats pov**

As soon as I got to the hotel, I ran to my room and threw myself down on my bed. How could Hayes do this? I did nothing wrong.

I decided just to go to bed. I changed into gray sweatpants and a red magcon tshirt. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and went to the bathroom to wash my face and take off my makeup.

After that, I crawled into my bed and fell asleep. Tomorrow should(n't) be fun. Yay.

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