Chapter 29 | The Fight

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I woke up the next morning and no one was in my room. I sat up and fixed my messy bun so it looked a little presentable and walked out to go find everyone.

I heard yelling coming from Hayes room, so I knew some people were in there. "How could you do this to her?" I heard Kayla yell. "I didn't do anything wrong!" Hayes yelled. "That's what you said last time Hayes," Katie said.

I decided to see what was going on. I knocked on the door, and everyone went silent. Nash answered. "Oh...hey Kat," Nash said awkwardly. "Can I come in?" I asked. Nash nodded and I pushed him aside.

Everyone was in there, and staring at me. "You should sit down, Kat," Caroline said. She sat beside me and nodded to Hayes. "Tell her," Katie said.

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "Okay, so last night I was comforting Haylee after you called her a slut and said I don't care and all that stuff, and we were sitting on the beach and she was crying and I didn't know what to do at that point, so I put my arm around her and then she put her head on my shoulder. Then, she said she hated you, and that she's been harassing you, so just as I was about to leave her a camera person took our picture of me with my arm around her and it makes me look like a cheater, but I wasn't cheating! I was just comforting her."

I could feel my eyes start to tear up. Why was he comforting her?

"Hayes.. do you not understand what Haylee has put me through? She's threatened me. She's made me scared to go to these events for fear she will hurt me, or break us up. Why would you take her side? That hurt me so much, Hayes," I said, trying not to cry.

"Let's go in the hall," Hayes said, pulling me outside. When we got out there, I continued to talk.

"And, for you to tell me to leave was so messed up. You don't understand how shallow that made me feel. I thought I was doing the right thing, and frankly I still think I did the right thing. Haylee is a terrible person, and she deserves to be yelled at once in awhile," I almost yelled.

"Whoa Kat. Haylee is not a terrible person. At all. She's just mad because she isn't dating me anymore, which is her fault, but still. Sure, she's been threatening you and all that, which is honestly so messed up, and I can see where you're mad. But, Haylee is NOT a terrible person. Oh, and she's not a slut either. You can't just throw around words like that," Hayes started getting louder.

"Hayes I-"

"No Kat. Let me finish. You can't just throw around words like slut and call people terrible, because you know what? It makes you sound like a bitch. Which honestly, you've been acting like one throughout this whole event and I don't understand what it is. Maybe it's because of Haylee, or because you're just moody. But Kat, I know you're not a bitch, but you're sure as heck acting like one and that's certainly not the kind of person I want as my girlfriend."


"This whole thing has gotten so blown out of proportion because you're always so dramatic! You make everything about yourself Kat."

"Stop Hayes."

"No Kat, you stop. I'm done with this conversation. We leave tonight. Go pack," Hayes said, going back in his room and slamming the door.

My jaw dropped and I fell to my knees. I buried my face in my hands and started bawling. How could he say those things? I thought he loved me. Why is he acting like this?

I got up and ran to my room and threw my suitcases on the bed and started packing everything up.

About 10 minutes later, Kayla, Tyler, Katie, Caroline, and Clarissa all walked in.

"Hayes is such a jerk," Katie said. I nodded. "Why is he acting like this?" Clarissa asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe he still loves Haylee," I mumbled. The room went silent.

Tyler and Clarissa went back to their rooms. Clarissa lives in Indiana, like Taylor so he's staying with her and they're going back together. Aw.

I hugged Clarissa. "See you next event hopefully," she said. I just nodded.

Everyone else started packing and didn't say a word.


When we got to the airport, I didn't even look at Hayes. I don't understand what made he say that stuff. I can't help but feel like, we just broke up.

I decided to text him.

"Did we break up earlier..?"

He replied back almost instantly, but with a short response.


I sighed and we boarded the plane. I sat by Tyler and Cameron sat by Hayes. I put my phone on airplane mode, put in my headphones, and fell asleep.

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