Chapter 11 | Hey Grier

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**Bres pov**

"SHE'S OKAY! KAT'S ALIVE! SHE'S COMING HOME IN THE NEXT 2-3 DAYS! COME TO THE HOSPITAL! SHE WANTS TO SEE YOU!" My mom yelled into the phone. "I'll be right there," I said in shock.

I started crying and ran to my car. I started it and drove straight to the hospital. I got out, and ran straight to her room.

"KAT!" I screamed. I ran over and hugged her. "Hey, I hate to rain on your parade, but I'm super sore and you're hugging me a little tight," Kat said. I laughed and let go.

**Kats pov**

This is so weird. I can't remember anything. Apparently I was hit by a car? I just remember playing tag with Hayes and I remember running from him, and that's it.

Speaking of Hayes, where is he? "Call Hayes, I want him here," I said. "Hayes went home to eat honey, he'll be back. He doesn't know you're awake...we're going to surprise him," my mom said. I smiled and nodded.

**Hayes pov**

"Can we go to the hospital now?" I asked. Everyone sighed. "I'll take him," Tyler said. I turned around and smiled at her. "Call me if you need anything," my mom said.

We left. "How you holdin up?" Tyler asked. "As good as I can...I just miss her so much." "Me too. Everyone does," she said. I told her about my dream and before I knew it we were at the hospital.

"Mr Grier?" the nurse asked. I nodded. "They want you to go to the room." I gave her a weird look and walked to the room. I started getting nervous.

I walked in the room. "Hey Grier!" I heard a familiar voice say. "Kat?" I asked, tears filling my eyes.

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